A good telling over

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After finishing off another boring day of school Jouko and Kunio left together as they did everyday. The girl still laughing about the events of the morning that were still fresh in her mind. Till her phone vibrated. She got it out of her bag to see that it was from one of her parents.
'We need to talk when you get home' It read.
Jouko gulped, she knew what it was about and knew she was in trouble.
"Oh no.... pap knows I beat that guy up..." She whines to Kunio. He just look at her with a 'told you not to use your stand' face. Which caused her to whine even more.
"Kun! Help!" She hugs to him causing the small boy to blush.
"Look I-I can't help you my dad doesn't like your pap as it is so dragging me into it will make it worse." He pushed her away softly.
She just pouts at it worried about what she was going to get home to.

When she finally arrived home she tried to sneak inside slowly but while she wasn't looking he banged into something causing her to fall back and summon her stand Phantom. They both looked up to see another stand stood over them looking like a grumpy parent.
"Ah Crap! Crazy Diamond! Don't hurt me then heal me!" She panicked as her own stand stood infront of her.
"DO I EVER LAY A FINGER ON YOU???" A voice yelled from behind them. "JOUKO NIJIMURA!!!"
She gets up quickly with the help of Phantom but she was then pulled aside by Crazy Diamond leaving Jouko facing Josuke.
"So? I heard you used Phantom on a student!" He crossed his arms with a very serious look on his face.
Jouko nodded as she saw her own stand being told off in the corner of her eye.
"What have I told you about using her on normal people??" He tried to keep eye contact with her.
"Not to. I know but what was I supposed to do when Kunio needed me!" She argued back causing the older man to growl a little.
"Kunio can handle stuff with his own stand, but yours.. yours drains life energy thats not a good thing its like she is the opposite of my own sometimes!" He had moved his hands to his head trying to rub his temples without messing up his pomp hairstyle.
Jouko just watched him with her hands behind her back.
"Listen we manage to get peace here for so long with stand users. I'm worried if one spots you using Phantom to fight they will too..." He sighed and he finally sat on the couch signaling her to join him. "The speedwagon foundation can do so much to keep tabs on every stand user in this town as it is. It was much harder when you and Kunio gained yours..." He fell slient for a moment. "I know I was stubborn when I was your age and it's hard when you have a stand too. Least you have people around you with with this ability... I had no one till you know..." He was looking away from her. She looked down feeling upset by seeing one of her fathers like this.
"I wont use her again unless I am attacked by a Stand user or someone with a weapon. Like you always tell me" She put her hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Josuke looked at her and laughs a bit.
"I know you wont keep your word. You never do. But you are still grounded from video games for a week." The words shocked Jouko.
"NOOOOO YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!" She whines and she tugs at his shoulder.
"And I'm telling your father about this too." He laughs at her reaction reminding him of his younger self.
"He wont care!" She yelled.
"Still gonna tell him so he knows you can't play on your consoles." He seemed to tease playfully to her just causing her to whine louder.
"This is so unfair!!" She crossed her arm in a huff and sunk into the couch.
"You are such a child sometimes sweetheart." He pats her head softly. She just growled and stormed into her room.
"Sometimes I wonder what was worse... Raising her or babysitting Jolyne?" He said as he looked at his stand, who himself just shrugged.

Jouko just stayed the rest of the night in her room doing her homework only leaving to do the odd things and talk to her parent every now and then. She just wanted the week to be over already.

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