Brotherly Love

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It stayed on her mind. The fact Daisuke even wanted to talk to her had bothered her. She looked over to DIO, he just stood there making some strange poses.
"Is that all you do or do I get the world ability? If you really his soul wouldn't it make sense Phantom gets it?" She asked mostly as she felt bored and curious how much this DIO would be like the real thing. Even if all she knew were stories Jotaro told her. He had stopped the poses and looked at her.
"You can steal souls, that can be pretty evil in the wrong hands. The issue is.. you are the right hands..." He groans. She laughed a bit at the reaction she got, she had gotten over to shock factor of DIO being around and saw him more as a imagery friend then a threat.
Her phone buzzed, it was a text from Hayato.
'Hey Jouko. So Daisuke is at my house and he just wants to talk. Can you come just in case he attacks me. I messaged Kunio too he will be on his way.'
She was surprised. Daisuke could be taking her advise, or it's a trap but she knew she had to go.

Later she arrived at the house she entered to see Hayato, Daisuke and Kunio sat around. It was normal, no stands around, no blood, no new injuries. She felt relaxed as she walked into the room and sat down. She watched as the boys talked seeming to finally be getting along. Kunio was confused, he didn't know about Jouko's talk with the teen before all this.
"Hey Kunio." Jouko turned to him, "Where is Maria lately? I haven't seen her in a while." The small boy looked over to her.
"I heard she was looking into some stuff  with Socca and Mista." He replied getting a huff in response.
"Already she has replaced me with another Joestar." She rolled her eyes.

A crash came from the kitchen making them all jump. They got defensive fast. Phantom, StopRewind and Branded were out in full force ready to figure out the intruder they would face.
"Stay behind us!" Daisuke commanded to Hayato, it was a shock to the grown man. The brother that only came to visit to hurt him was now wanting to protect him? He knew to himself he couldn't see the stands but he knew to look for the signs of safety.
The stand users looked over to see a woman crawling out the kitchen her stand a dripping goo like mess following her behind. She was covered in blood and broken glass.
"Daisuke you fucker!" The girl said getiing closer to them.
"Tamae! I knew you would be the one to come and kill me!" Daisuke got his stand ready to fight. "Follow my lead you two I know how Black Parade works we can take her!" He ordered taking control of the situation.
Jouko and Kunio nodded as they got into position.
Black Parade separated into smaller copies of itself and swarmed the group.
"So its a solo stand that can make clones of itself!" Jouko said as she used Phantom to fight with her staff to wack the goo like stand.
"Lets worry about the fact we might get overpowered here i can only rewind time a few seconds if we get jumped i dont think a endless loop will help us!" Kunio said as he had pulled out a pen. Daisuke just used Branded to slice through the clones which did a bit of damage on Tamae.

They kept fighting but they were struggling. Hayato was just stuck in the middle unable to see what was going on in the fight sense. But he still got a idea.
"Daisuke! If what was said is true clones would have a main leader. They usually do in TV and games. You need to pick that one out to destroy it for the best damage on her." Daisuke looked at him.
"Hayato you can't see the stands how can I know what you are saying will work???" He said letting the range ability on Branded do all the work.
"Yes I can't see the stands but you have to trust me!" He said to him. Daisuke thought and nodded.
"Right Kunio stop using StopRewind I'm going in for the leader!" He ordered as he charged at the bigger version of the stand having Branded slash it. Tamae fell as a large slash in her stomach appeared from the attack.
The stand disappeared as she gripped the injury. She sat on the floor waiting for death. The group went to her, she looked up at Daisuke.
"Well then, kill me! It's the only thing you are good at! You needed the help of A non stand user to even beat me..." She hissed from the pain. Daisuke just stood over her.
"I'm not gonna kill you and that non stand user is my brother! A man that survived my own father! I'm not Yoshikage Kira! I'm my own person! I choose to follow Jouko instead of your crew." He turned around and walked to Hayato. Tamae looked over at Jouko with a soft smile.
"Maybe they were right.. you are DIO. You can get people to follow you like he could." She laughs softly through the pain. Jouko just rolled her eyes.
"Listen you will be heal by my Pap but he will arrest you! Don't fight it because I can just tell my dad you punch me and he will use The Hand on you. That's the scary part. Not Daisuke joining us, the fact you can here trying to kill us and put the man I see as my big brother in danger, I could just steal your soul and who would care. But I'm not DIO so i wont do that." She walked out as she started to call Josuke to come pick her up.

Daisuke just sat talking to the man they were finally getting along. Jouko was please to finally find that their was some good in the kid. She saw DIO sat on the couch, she looked over to him.
"Have to say you really have a dark side. You may not wanna admit it but you do." He drank a glass of what looked like blood.
"I don't okay, I'm a Joestar.." She sighed as she watched Tamae looking at her, she felt even she knew.
"Sure Jojo, but there is something you could do now all this is finish for now. Next time you visit your uncle's grave you should drop in on one with the name Shigekiyo Yangu." She look at the illusion with confusion.
"Why would I?" She huffed a bit at the request.
"Because if it wasn't for him you wouldn't be around." He smirks a creepy smile causing Jouko to shiver feeling grossed out about the thought of her parents having fun.
"Fine I will if you stop talking about my parents doing it!" She groaned just to hear DIO laughing at her till Josuke arrived and dealt with Tamae.

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