A old face in Morioh

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They were all waiting for him to arrive. Jouko was still dealing with the shock of all of it. What Josuke told her. It buried deep into her mind.
Maria was getting bored of waiting so kept playing with the end of the bandana Kunio tied to his head. Which was annoying the small boy.
"Please stop!" He growled as he made StopRewind grab her hand. She just hissed as she couldn't see his stand.

Finally the ship came into port.
"This reminds me of when Mr Joestar arrived. Well minus me punching a stand user in the face!" Okuyasu laughed as he thought about it.
"Thinking about it I wonder how I would of handled that if I have Echoes Act 3." Koichi said as he walked to the ship with the other.
They all looked up to see the red head stood there looking over them all. As if he was examining them behind the sunglasses he wore. He slowly walked to them, there was a Elegance about him.
Jouko just blinked she knew him but she was very young last time he saw him. It wasn't like with Jotaro as he visited often.
Everyone but Maria bowed to greet him.
"Mr Kujo, we are happy you arrived safely!" Josuke said to the man. He just smiled at him.
"It's nice to be back in Morioh. Even if I'm without Jotaro and Jolyne." He looked over at Jouko who was just staring at him.
"Well Jouko you have grown up. Last time I saw you was a baby." He chuckled at it making the teen blush a little. He looked over at Kunio.
"So have you. But I see you get your height off Koichi." He patted his head softly. Then it was Maria's turn.
"I hope you are settling in Maria." He got a nod in response.
"Let head to to ours to talk about all this." Josuke said as they all agreed.

They were all at the Nijimura household discussing what was going on. Kakyoin kept looking at Jouko who was sat on the windowsill.
"This all seems to be bothering her." He said to Josuke. Josuke sipped his coffee as he looked at his daughter.
"Yeah. I think learning that a bunch of stand users are after you would be a shock." He sighed as he looked over a Okuyasu.
"This thing with DIO confuses me. He had children, so why are they so interested in Jouko instead of them?" Kakyoin grabbed some papers out of his bag and gave them to the other man.
"You think all what he said could be true?" Okuyasu sounded worried as he spoke.
"Your daughter being a reicarnation of a evil Vampire would be the most interesting thing around here." Rohan said. "And great content for my manga!" He smirked.
"No no no she isn't! There is no way she could be!" Josuke got protective of his daughter.
"It's very unlikely Mr Kishibe that it's a chance. I feel word of her stand's ability spread. Even though the closes stand to his is Star Platinum. Phantom sounds nothing like The World." Kakyoin sipped his tea.

Jouko looked at them.
"So what am I?" She asked sounding annoyed. Josuke could tell how upset she was.
"You are Jouko Nijimura, our daughter you aren't this guy or tainted by him!" He goes over and hugs her. She hugged back. "Nothing would change that I promise. I know Phantom can take souls but I know you are a good girl." He just kept holding her in the hug. Jouko felt more comfortable in it. Then Okuyasu jumped up and joined the hug. Sandwiching their daughter between them. Kunio watched before looking at his own parents.
"Why do we never hug like that?" He asked.
"You dad doesn't like hugs." Koichi said looking at Rohan. The taller man huffed as he slowly and uncomfortably hugged the both of them, making Koichi chuckle.
"Moments like this make me miss my family." Kakyoin looked over at Maria, she was just watching the families hug. "You will take care of them, they need more then ever." He ordered.
"I will Mr Kujo!" She just kept watching them.

The familes stayed like that for a while before breaking apart the hugs. Jouko just couldn't stop think about Anika, if she was connected to this or was she really just a peaceful stand user. She knew she learn of her cousin in law being here next time they meet. But deep down she did't want her new friend to be part of the group.

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