Chapter 2

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Zake stared at the scar, frowning. After what it felt like an eternity, he finally spoke, "Lila are you sure it's from the dream?"

I already had enough of that nightmare bullsh*t and now I am supposed to prove my mental sanity to him!!

"Zake look,if you don't believe me than I can do nothing about it."

"Hey lil bear, come on when did I say I don't believe you. It's just seems very unusual. Strange. And Creepy, I might add." He's frown grew more with each adjective he added.

" okay whatever you want you can think of it. I gotta go now. I can't sit here listening to you describe how unusual and strange it is. As if I don't already know it." I stood up from my chair at the cafeteria and started walking out.

Zake paid the bill and hurriedly followed me. Yesss!!! HE paid if I had'nt rush out he'd made me pay. I saved some money:)

He grabbed my hand from the back
"Hey where do you think you are going?"

"I am going at Issac's"

"Why do you wanna go to that as*hole?!" Suddenly he seemed to lose his temper.

Turning back I stood my ground and replied "Zake, this is very important to me. Issac was Wenessa's boyfriend. He must know something!" I tried to convince him.

"I'll drive you. I can't leave you there with that piece of sc*m" he said returning to his normal demeanour.

I agreed with him. He was my boyfriend and he had all rights reserved to be possessive, especially after what had happened.

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