Chapter 7: Cain - To the Depths of Hell

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There was only one thing going through my head, which was a nice change of pace. Normally, there would be at least two or three things I had to focus on, but I was in fight or flight mode. It took quite a bit for me to be afraid, but I was sure as hell scared of what was about to happen to me.

"Cassidy Barnes." A guard called from the doorway. He called the name again. "Cassidy Barnes, come forth or we will use force to obtain you." There were at least a hundred people in this room. It was a fairly large room, barren of any furniture or windows, but it was more packed just a few hours ago. Every couple of minutes, they would call someone else, sometimes two or three people at a time. "Cassidy Barnes, this is you last warning. Come now or we will use force." Still, no one stirred. They all stayed seated on the concrete floor, staring at cement walls with no windows. "Fine. Have it your way. Get her lads." Four more guards appeared from behind the first and all five entered the room. They had a piece of paper which he had assumed was a picture of the person they were looking for. They made a straight line to her. "Cassidy Barnes, come with us." They grabbed the arm of the girl next to me.

"Never! I won't go with you alive!" Cassidy shot straight up and dove for the first guard, her whole left arm becoming encased with ice. She swung at the guard who ducked and took a step back. All five guards pulled out metal batons that had what I assumed was the hum of electricity. My suspicions were confirmed when a metal baton came in contact with the left arm of Cassidy, causing him to scream in agony and convulse as if he was shocked with lighting. Her body became limp as she fell to the ground. All the while I sat and watched with my hood on my head.

"A feisty Biter. I haven't seen one of them in a while." Two of the guards grabbed Cassidy by the shoulders and dragged her out of the room. The heavy metal door closed behind them. No one stirred a single muscle. We still lived in fear.

I knew the fear well. I just decided not to show it or else I would let her win. That couldn't happen. I kept my hood down and didn't stop. I got what I needed to done, no questions asked. Someone paid me, I did my job, and I kept as quiet as possible throughout the whole ordeal. The less people knew about me the better.

Only a few minutes of silence passed until the doors opened again. The same guard came to the door. "Cain Adams."

Finally. I was waiting for this moment.

"Cain Adams, you saw what happened to Cassidy. Come forward now or else the same will happen to you." I didn't stir, and no one else did either. "Fine have it your way." This time the single guard came into the room, leaving the door wide open. The guards knew that no one would leave the room. Anyone who did had nowhere else to go.

The guard swept across the room, but this time he didn't have a piece of paper to connect his face to the name. Sadly, this was the only time a hood over my face would have me stick out like a sore thumb. Even though I knew that I would fit in better with the hood down, I kept it up no matter what.

The guard finally made his way to me. "Didn't you hear me? I told you to come with me." I only made the slightest movement to recognize that I was listening. "Take that stupid hood off, too." He reached out for the edge of my hood so he could throw it back.

Before his grip even tightened around his hood, I grabbed the guards hand and shot straight up and put my hand over the guard's face. I caught the guard off guard and threw him to the floor, still grabbing his face. I removed the guards hand from my hood and tightened my grip on the guard's face, causing the guard to scream in agony, muffled only by my hand. It wasn't just the grip that caused his pain, I was essentially cooking his face alive.

The guard finally broke away from his grip, but he still couldn't scream. I had seared his mouth shut. His nose was still open though, so he could still breathe. Three more guards showed up in the doorway after the first guard fell to the ground, tears rolling down his eyes. They all took their batons, and there wasn't just a hum of electricity. It looked like there were actual strips of electricity shocking the baton.

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