Fight For Nothing

228 10 3

Word Count: 1,769

They talked a little more freely after that. The atmosphere around them didn't feel as tense as before and Keith relished in the feeling of trust and understanding that now carefully grew between them.

Keith found out that Lance wasn't actually born in the states, "I'm from Cuba actually," the teen shook his head, smiling at some unseen memory behind his blue eyes, "my family is huge, well, it was before, I- you know" He didn't talk for a long time after that, and Keith didn't blame him either, this apocalypse has been hard on everyone. He was sure there would be some memories that would, unfortunately, stick with the teen for the rest of his life, but Keith hoped he wouldn't dwell too much on the past, even though Keith himself was doing his best to remain in the future as well.

Hunk also confirmed Keith's sneaking suspicion that Pidge was a kid genius when it came to technology, during a small pit stop, she pulled open her bag, revealing a whole array of projects and prototypes she'd been working on.

"She actually made Lance a confetti grenade out of some old computer we found in the school's basement and some art supplies, I'm pretty sure he used it the next day for a prank on Shiro. Hunk laughed, "I don't think I've ever seen that much glitter in my life."

Shiro laughed at that too, "Yeah, I don't think I'll ever be able to forget that."

That day passed pretty fast after Keith's accidental slip-up, and he was honestly surprised that when nightfall came, Pidge announced that they had gone further than the day before. Everyone quietly cheered at that, and Hunk pulled out a small pot and a can of chili out of his backpack to celebrate for being well on their way to Oriande. To freedom.

"To freedom," Lance raised his small bowl of chili in the air once the servings were finally rationed out.

"To freedom," everyone else joined in with smiles, bumping their bowls together in some mock toast before eating and finally settling in for the night.

Now, the fire crackled pleasantly beside him, as Keith snuggled further into his sleeping bag. The sky was clear, and he could make out the thousands of tiny stars above him while daring crickets and frogs made noises in the bushes.

It had been a good day all-in-all, better than any day he could have hoped to have on his own, the memories that usually haunted the back of his mind were settled for now, and Keith could believe that he might actually have good dreams for once.

It was ... nice almost to enjoy their time together as a "family" as Hunk would put it. He was wanted here, and although Shiro still didn't completely know who Keith was besides what he had already said earlier, he had hope that that would soon change.

Muffled snoring told Keith that Hunk had finally fallen asleep, and, as his eyelids drooped closed for the night, he could say with confidence he fell asleep with a smile on his face.


He woke to a hand on his mouth and a knife at his neck.

Keith startled, trying to sit up, only for the hand to force him from moving, he tried reaching for his attacker, but he quickly found that the knife only dug deeper into his skin with every attempt, and he learned quickly to lay still, trying to calm his racing heartbeat and ignore the small drops of his own blood falling to the floor.

"This one's awake," a voice sounded above him, the voice was rough and clearly male, and now that Keith wasn't struggling, he caught the overwhelmingly strong scent of cigarette smoke invading his nostrils.

Hunk's startled and scared squeal, cut through the night a second later, and Lance's quick and startled breaths told him that he was awake as well. Keith tried straining his ears for the tell-tale sound of Pidge or Shiro awake, but he could hear none.

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