Chapter Three: Follow

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Mia's POV

My eyes scan the laptop screen reading another article about the wrong Xavier once again. A scoff leaves my lips as I click off once again.

There is a knock on my door and Uncle Luca walks in without any permission. I slam my laptop screen shut before he can see what I was searching for and crush my finger into the edge of it.


I put my finger in my mouth trying to soothe the pinching pain that was subsiding. Uncle Luca rushed in to see if I was alright a low growl leaving his mouth. He took the finger out of my mouth and watched as it slowly became red.

"Are you alright?"

"I am fine. What did you need?"

Uncle Luca closed his eyes and breathed deeply as if he was trying to calm himself down a bit.

"I was heading out and I wanted to see my niece one last time before leaving."

A smile makes his way to his lips and he opens his bright green eyes staring at me deeply. I give him a big hug and feel my finger burn at the touch of his cotton shirt.

"Oh, uh. Let me come walk you down!"

We pulled away from the sweet hug and headed down to the front door to say our final greetings. Mom and Dad had already said their final goodbye's and the rest of my Uncles left hours before. It was now my turn and it always was the hardest thing to do.

"Alright Mia, I will see you soon kiddo, don't grow up on me." Uncle Luca said jokingly.

I chuckle a tiny bit and nod at his statement pulling him into another embrace. He patted my back and gave me a small kiss on the forehead.

Maybe, Uncle Luca could explain to me about Xavier. I mean, I have never been to his and Aunt Diana's home, it would be interesting to finally go! I could use it to my advantage to find some clues about his missing body.

"Can I go with you Uncle Luca?" I blurt out.

He froze in my grasp and immediately was out of it. I saw him shake his head 'no' in fast motion while gulping his spit as he was nervous.

"Oh, uh-"

"Of course not! We wouldn't want to bother Uncle Luca." Mom cuts him off.

I turn around and watch her stand with arms folded over her chest.

"Why not? I have never been to their house! Plus, I really want to see Aunt Diana,"

"Personal reasons Mia, you need to understand that," Mom spoke with venom in her voice.

I scoff angrily. It was just a request and it was true! I had never in my 18 years of being born in this world been to their home. Hmm, I could just sneak out and follow Uncle Luca back to his place. But how would I sneak out?


My eyes wander to the floor with sadness and I play with a small strand of hair that fell over my shoulder. Uncle Luca sighed sadly and caressed my cheek with his thumb.

"Someday you can come, right now...just isn't a good time." Uncle Luca whispered in front of me.

I close my eyes and nod. He gives one last goodbye and shuts the door behind himself. Mom rubs my back for comfort but I ignore it.

"Mom, I am going to head upstairs. I-I just need some time alone," My voice sounded raspy from holding back tears.

"Take all the time you need,"

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