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It has been a hour, and so far the crew did nothing much, Kile is still working on the radio but so far no contact, Brom looked at the ammunition, and say "We have enough ammunition to take out multiple battalions if they are careless" and Greit just nodded, adding "We just need to protect the transmission." Which the crew agreed again.

The silver ranked hunter is a grown young man accompanied by 2 bronze hunters, one a woman, and the other a draconian, basically some dragon humanoid. The silver hunter says "Alright, we are approaching the area of this.. 'beast'" Which the bronze draconian replies "We don't even know what we are dealing with!" Which the bronze huntress adds "We got this lizard man!" Which build up confidence.

After some walking, the silver hunter looks surprised saying "Hold!It doesn't look like it can move.. how does it even live?" Which the draconian theorizes "Maybe is a form of plant, or is a creature that attracts other creatures so it can eat them." The huntress is speechless.

Kückler says "Rais, we are moving, drive forward and if you see a road, pick a side and drive to that direction." Rais nods saying "Jawohl, commandant!" Which he pushes the accelerator, and the Tiger II begins to move forward. The small hunter group would be surprised as the huntress says "H-How is it moving without legs?!" The draconian theorizes saying "Maybe.. those wheels?" He pointed at the rather many wheels working together with the tracks. The silver hunter says "We need to kill it now!" as he unsheathes his great-sword Which seems basic but as long as a zweihander Which is a German great-sword Which is the longest blade made so far. The silver hunter would rush to the front of the tiger II which he slams his great-sword against the front armor which is as you expect, it only scrapped off the painting really, which the hunter would have his eyes widen, and in shock as this "beast" is heavily armored! The huntress would be too scared to face the thing, and the draconian would say "we can't do anything to it!" He would then shout out to the hunter saying "Fall back!"

Kückler says "Scheißa!Brum, Fire ze MG42!" Which Brum nodded and held onto the machine gun. Without a doubt or time to think about it, the turret aimed down towards the hunter and the MG42 opened fire. Each bullet pierced the pathetic iron plating, even with the great-sword blocking, it would be ineffective as each bullet would hit at least a organ of his. Blood sprayed out from his behind, through the bullet holes created. The huntress would have some tears falling down, and the draconian hissed in fear as they never see a single bloody thing do devastation upon a single individual, and after a few seconds, the firing has ceased. The hunter would crumble down in blood, he tried to breath, he tried to feel his heart beating, then he closed his eyes, cursing to himself, and finally perished. The Tiger II just drove over him like he was nothing. The huntress, and the draconian agreed upon each other to report this to the king, after the tank went off, the draconian picked up the destroyed corpse and would rush back to the castle with the huntress to report the news.

Kückler sighed as Brum, and Greit laughed at each other saying "We don't even know who was that man!" Brum laughed as Kückler breaks up the mood saying "We don't know what we have gotten ourselves into.. this is my fault that I order such reckless thing, next time we need to be more cautious not to create new foes." Rais would finally Sigh in relief as he shouts "Kommandant, we found dirt roads!" Which the crew cheered as rais turns steered the tank to the right which they would actually be heading to the castle of where the king is at.

Ze New King [CANCELED, sorry first story]Where stories live. Discover now