Tigers Roar

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They literally betrayed their own words just some time ago, the crew battlecries as Yorgo says to the others "GET DOWN!" As MG42's fires upon the small army, some tried using the sanctum shields, of course ineffective. Knückler shouts "Fire!" As Brum screams "Round one!" Firing a HE shell to the Centurion directly, obliterating his corpse into flesh, metal, and shrapnel everywhere, the fantasy group were taken cover so the shrapnel didn't hit them, Kelle winced as Helina closed her eyes and made a soft prayer. The machine gun firing stopped as the remaining 6 charges at the tank as they used their Gladius to slice upon the front, of course NO FUCKING EFFECT as one of the soldiers shout "Fucking metal!" As soon the front MG42 Aims at him and covers his body full of lead. The mounted MG42 fired in a diagonal line, obliterating the remaining Roman soldiers.

Kückler notices a flying thing in the sky heading towards the tank.. it is the first dragon! Although not that big as the tank until Knückler shouts "Aim at the fucking dragon in the air!" As Brum rushed quickly and Greit reloaded a AP shell, Kile just waited for this to fight to pass by.

The dragon would try to scoop down for a striking fireball until the main gun from the tank fired upon the dragon, it pierced directly through the body as Yorgo claps himself saying "Beautiful!" While Joseph grabs a surviving Roman soldier as he panics lightly until Kückler looks at him, his upper body exposed out of the captains hatch, his glare at the Roman soldier deepens until he breaks the glare with a chuckle saying "We won't kill you, Roman soldier, we do want you to come along." The Roman just nodded as he says "My name is, Alex." As Kückler chuckled again to his just simple name.

Body count high and a dragon destroyed by one simple attack as Helina looks at the barrel.

Helina POV

I can't believe that long thing fired such a quick, powerful, and deadly shot that can pierce through even the scales of the dragons. I wonder how truly powerful this army he says is.

3rd POV

Soon a total count of 50 Roman soldiers begin to march towards the slaughter area. Kückler commanded the other crewmen to reload and prepare for another assault. He says "Helina, prepare a magic ambush, Joseph distract the approaching soldiers, Kella be with Helina to support her and defend her, Jacksin prepare to support Joseph." The group complied as Yorgo rested lazy; reason they complied is most likely due to what Kückler has in terms of firepower and he sounds intelligent so why not.

The next Centurion would stop as he shouts "We will not fight you unless you send your strongest man to fight me! Trial by combat, right now!" As he smiles in a despicable way. Brum says to Rais "Is your time to shine bro!" Which he looks and just has the 'Oh fuck' expression, and he gets shoved out of the Tiger II as he stutteringly approach the Centurion, the commander only wielded a Gladius as he says "That is your strongest man? Hahahaha!" While Rais just lifts his fists, everyone watched tho as he has no weapons, Brum wondered why he didn't bring in any weapons.

The Centurion charged at him as he would slash to his right hip, trying to slash deep until everyone heard a metal noise that clashed with the Gladius, the commander widen his eyes as Rais grins, the whole crew look bamboozled by this point. Rais bends his arms inhumanly to the same side as the other arm, grabbing into the more exposed skin on the arm of the commander as everyone says "T-That is impossible! He can't bend that way! What is he even?!" While he only softly says "We have calculated he perfect strength to crush literal armor that even of the T95!" Which they knew this by a spy that helped them with the information. The commander looked in shock as Rais peels through the weak armor and rips a inch of his arm, showing expose bone as he then throws him against the group, he would then straighten himself raising his right arm straight forward and up. He did the salute as he screams in pure German Glory "YOU UTTER FOOOOLS! GERMANY IS THE GREATEST!" As it reveals from his sleeves,  that they are purely mechanical, none of the crew or the others knew this secret as the commander looked in pure pain. He then finger points at the commanders head, firing a bullet from a small hole, seemingly a Luger as the commander died in a less cruel death.

Helina POV

I-I can't believe what I have saw! A true powerful man who has crushed a Centurion with only a few moves! H-He impressed me.. I thought he was just some power spoiled little brat but honestly I don't understand.. it doesn't look like he made himself this powerful, but who did this to him? I just looked in awe and maybe feeling quite a bit of affection to her as she just blinks many times, same expected reaction from everyone else except Rais.

Kückler POV

I finally noticed that the Roman army has surrendered but the thing is, who the hell turned my good driver to a literal walking piece of pure engineered man?! I just simply stood on top of the turret now shouting at the Romans which I say "Join us and you will be part of Ze great Fatherland! You will become as powerful as us!" as the Romans nodded, kneeling to me, guess I'm the kid but I still can't get my mind off of Rais, he simply was keeping far too many secrets.

3rd POV

He simply says to Rais "You have lots of explaining to do, Rais." As he turns laughing sarcastically and a bit worried now.

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