Taming the Tiger

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The king has been escorted back to the throne as Kile, and Rais went back into the Tiger II by the hatch. Kückler would look at the two heroes, and waited for there response.
The samurai would say "Our names is kella, and Joseph!" Which she would then explain many things she knows
Time skip that there's 1 empire with 4 main kingdoms fighting each other

Kückler would scratch his chin, while he just says "So there is no peace either." Which he ends it with a sigh thinking. Rais would call out to the captain saying "You coming or not?" Which Kückler would just reply "We need people that we can trust." And that is answered by Jacksin, and Helina saying at the same time "We can come." also added up by Joseph, and Kella saying "We can come too." and Kückler would just chuckle, gesturing them to sit on the tank.

Jacksin whispers to Helina saying "If we can be allies with them, we can end this gruesome war quicker." And Kella tells Joseph "So this is what the 'beast' that people refer about." which Joseph says "The farmers are right, well they usually are right." Which the new small group sat on top of the turret, and Kückler would say "Do you know oil, and gunpowder?" Which one little dwarf came up with a very stereotypical accent, saying "We dwarves know!" Which kückler looked at the dwarf which he slowly climbed up on the tank, adding "Just by north, a dwarf cave would be there, which is where I live, and we know such material." Kückler would chuckle saying "What is your name, and you may come along!" Which the dwarf did come along, and say "Yeah, names Yorgo!" The dwarf laughed a bit.

Rais would receive order from Kückler that to drive north, and he says "Great.. across the castle, just follow the road." As he nods slowly. He grabs the levers, and slowly push forward which the Tiger II moves forward.

People watched in awe as some say "This is truly a 'beast', how can something like that be born?!" The tank just passed by the people while following on the road, even people not near it can hear the engine roars echoing.

Helina would Sigh, asking herself which the others can hear her say "How truly powerful this thing is?" While Jacksin theorizes saying "Well, I don't see any other tricks, that long thing and that rapid firing thing must be the only attacks it can do."
(Keep in mind that is not all it can do)
Helina would just nod to his theory until she just lays down on the turret.

Joseph would laugh a bit saying "This feels nice laying on!" While he is closest near the engine which he has no idea of while Kella says "Err, I still don't trust this.. Germans?" Which draconian adds "This so called Germany has to be very advanced.. if they say what is true about a army of this 'beasts', I'm afraid we stand no chance, and all we can do is try to be allies with them." Yorgo just says "If we get to be allies, those lads will benefit us even more than the rest of y'all!" Which he chuckled, drinking his beer.

Knückler would have his upper body be out of the hatch, and stayed silent. Draconian would ask the captain saying "Knückler, how did you,your friends, and this thing get here?" Which Knückler would just Sigh, and say "Is complicated.." while in reality, he has no idea of how they got here, maybe is that place they tried patrolling in? It is hard to tell by this point.

Knückler would say "We are close to the other side of this castle, and I'll be asking another question." Which the other group just nodded, and rested on the tank.

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