"Veni, Vidi, Vici"

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The small army has finally arrived to the front of what it seems to be the forest. Kückler shouts "Steady up!" The Roman soldiers ready their shields as then Kückler came out of the hatch, and Kile takes over now.

Kückler and Rais looked at the deep forest as Kückler says "I will be going into this forest thing.." he smiled knowing he has a mini flamethrower in him, although not that devastating but in a forest.. is pretty devastating. Kückler says to the heroes "Just stay put, me and Rais will be going into the forest." Yorgo nods and thumbs up at the two, Brum saw them enter into the forest as the shadow covered the two. Brum says "Get ready for any attacks.. Kückler says they don't like us.. for nature reasons."

Kella tells to Helina saying "So huntress, you think they will be fine?" Helina would say "Of course!" 'Especially Rais' she shakes her head after that thought. Kella slowly nods as Joseph made small talks with Yorgo, trying to understand each other a bit better.

Rais looked around cautiously as Kückler had his flashlight on. Rais says "So this elf's wouldn't enjoy us because of our... technology?" Kückler replies "Seems about right." Rais just chuckles as Kückler adds "Have you ever.. thought about conquering this place?" Rais looks at him, weirded out. He replies "I guess? I do want to find these female elves!" Kückler laughs slightly until he heard talking ahead, the two begin sneaking as they hid into a bush, from there they saw a village of elves with various swift weapons and the most popular of course is the bows they carried.

An elf princess began to talk to her father as she says "Father, we can reason with them.. there is no need for fighting them! Have you not heard of what they have been capable of?!" The father turned towards her as he says "Daughter, these demons.. metal.. demons will conquer everything.. they know their powers, they need resources.. they will conquer us." She hesitated to reply but did it as he says "Then we must be their allies! Is the safest way possible! We can't have elves die for no reason of fighting an unknown enemy!" Kückler would devilishly smile as Rais sighs, Kückler would whisper "Stay here until reinforcements come.. they are weak so we will conquer them." Rais nods as he slightly frowned and watched Kückler leave his location.

Brum says "Kile, when we going?" Kile just shrugs until a hatch gets tapped by someone, Brum opens it as it was Kückler and he says "We are marching forth, kill anyone who tries to kill us and we conquer the elf kingdom." The nazis chuckle as is time to push forth. Kückler shouted to the small army of Romans saying "We push forth! Kill anyone that tries to kill us but don't even try to kill innocents without my watch." The romans cheered and chanted as they followed the Tiger II when the engines turned on.

The elf princess's ears flinched as they heard a engine echo across the forest. Most elves heard it actually as the roar intensifies. The elf princess says "C-Coming.. already?!" The elf is definitely worried as Rais just sighs, and still hiding in the bushes.

The elves assembled many ambush positions as the elf princess says "Wait! We could use this as our chance to ally with them!" The father just says "No! This is when we stop their rampage." The elf princess sighs as she just ran to the deep forest and the other elves just sigh. The roar became even louder as it got closer to the area of Rais and he just ran to the Tiger II.

Meanwhile Kile stopped the tank as Rais arrives and entered the panzer which Kile switched with Rais as he explained the possible ambush positions which were also unclear due to well.. being in a forest. Greit looks around as he says "We have 3 clips for ze both MG42 so we will use our infantry weapons." The crew just nodded as Kückler says "We have infantry support so prepare to use secondary weapons even." Rais looked around through the drivers view point as he says "We are getting closer to the place of elves." Brum smirked as Greit would hold a shell to already reload the gun quickly.

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