Chapter 30 Barbara?

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    Barbara watches Robbie go upstairs, but does not say a word to him. She just grins. She can not believe she did it.  She actually made Lila pass out by just one hit with her golf club. It felt good to do this for sure.  She feels so full of energy it is crazy!  She can not wait for the rest of her plan to take place.

   Robbie arrives behind Sabrina as she picks up a bag, or rather Alix's  purse.  He hits her with his night stick and thud!  Down she goes.  Sabrina falls down unconscious.  Robbie ties her up with a rope and heads back downstairs. 

   Meanwhile with the others...

    Alix, Marinette and Adrien remain in the parlor.  Roy remains in the shrubs.

      "Adri, I  am sorry, but I have to go!"  Marinette says. She struggles out of his hug.

     "Marinette, please do not leave me!"  Adrien pleads with her. 

      He looks hurt.  He thinks, why does she long to leave me so much?   I can not let her leave with this danger around us.  I love her!  Why can she not see this?

   "Adri, I have too to make sure you can be around for your kingdom."  Marinette says.

    "No, there must be some other way! "  Adrien says. He reaches up with tears in his eyes and kisses her cheek. 

     "Please, Blueberry Gal, if our friendship means anything to you, do not do this.  I need you.  Please, stay!" Adrien says sadly.  He feels the tears fall harder now.  He does not care what dangers lie ahead just along as he has Marinette with him.

    Alix sobs.  She mumbles, "Guys, someone else is here besides us!  I am so scared. What do we do?"  

   Adrien's  POV:

   Marinette, I just got you back into my life recently.  Can you not see that you mean everything to me?  If I loose you, then what will I do?  Oh, Blueberry Gal, my love, please do not do this.  Please, fight for us!  I  can feel it.  I know you try to deny it, but you love me!  Do not leave.  

     Alix sobs.  She is afraid and not sure what to do.  She hears a noise in the area outside the room. She can hear mutiple voices as they talk.  She can not believe it. 

      Back outside the parlor, in the downstairs part of the mansion...

   Kagami and Alya the mayor show up.  Barbara sees them and smirks.

    "Well, well what do we have here?"  Barbara remarks.

  "We just came to check on everyone."  Alya and Kagami answers together.

     Barbara uses some rope to tie the mayor and Kagami up together.  She laughs.

       "What this is not part of the plan!"  Kagami calls out with annoyance in her voice.

       "Let us go!  You do not need me."  Mayor Alya remarks.

         Barbara  sees the look Robbie gives her and smirks.  She just ignores what the girls have to say to her.

          "Why did you do this for anyway?"  Robbie ask.

         " You should never have gotten in my way!  Security boy, is such a pity really!"  Barbara says.

            Barbara hits him once with her golf club, then she closes the front door with her foot.  She locks the door Lila is inside too.  Then, she approaches Robbie once more.

         Robbie still has a hold of his night stick.  He tries to swing it, but is  a bit weak.

       "Haha, just drop it already!"  Barbara calls out.

         Robbie does as she says.  He drops it as he whinces in pain. He tries to reach out for another weapon to defend himself with right away.  He is unable to reach it due to all the pain he is in right now.  He looks at her in horror.  

    Barbara laughs again!  "Look, you will never see your precious Alix again!  Bye,bye now!"  Barbara snarls as she hits him again. This time harder than the first time.  

    As his head hits the ground with a thud, Robbie thinks, Alix I am sorry to fail you!  I love you! Farwell, my love!

    In Robbie's  Mind...

    Alix, forgive me!  Forgive me for all this, believe me I never meant for this to happen.  I only meant to protect you.  It seems there is no use. I am done for Alix.  Sorry, so sorry.  


 Narrator's  POV:

   Barabara laughs once more when she sees the blood as his drips from Robbie's  head as she passes out on the ground.  She takes the last rope she has and uses it to tie the door to the closet shut where Natalie remains asleep since the effects to the knock out drug have not set in just yet.  She smiles as she goes back upstairs.  She smirks when she sees Sabrina is still out cold.  

   Inside the parlor, Alix hears Robbie scream then hears a thud!  She thinks, No!  No, Robbie! She sobs even more as she realizes he is hurt and thinks, Robbie please be okay!  I can not loose you, too!  I just can not.  Alix begins to panic as she fears for Robbie's  life.

   Barabara's  POV:

    Haha, I can not believe it was this easy!  I mean it.  Everyone is so not smart.  Even Roy thinks, that I  do not know anything.  What does he know?  Very little that is for sure!  I prefer to keep it that way.  By now the effects from the little special stuff I snuck into his lunch should have taken place by now, so that dear, sweet, Roy is out cold behind those silly shrubs.  

   Roy's  POV:

    I can not see a thing.  Why is my vision so blurry?  My eye doctor says my sight is great up close and besides, I have my glasses on right now.  So, what gives?  Oh, no!  It must have been ...I gasp, as the reality sets in and pass out in my worthless spot out front behind the plants.

  Alya's  POV:

   Ugh, it seems that Barbara is a double crosser!  How was I to know she would tie us up?   I meant it though, I only came here to see that everyone is okay!  How was suppose to know that Barbara would out smart us all?

   Kagami's  POV:

   Great, first Sabrina!  Then, Lila and now Barbara too!  It seems there are few you can trust these days. I can only hope Aurore is not a traitor like the others turn out to be now.  What will I do?  How will I ever get out of here?  What is to become of the guy that Barbara took out with her golf club?   Will he make it? 

  to be continued  in  Chapter  31  Marinette?   

*Author's  Note:  What do you think could happen next?  Does Natalie ever come to in the closet?  What about everyone else?

A  Mother's  Wish  ?  AU by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now