Darry X Dally Mpreg Imagine

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Ahhhh this is going to be bad! And it's probably shorter than the requester wanted...
Mpreg Warning!
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"Ponyboy! What are you doing kid?!? You were supposed to get your chores done Two hours ago!" Darry yells going up to Ponyboy who is sitting on the couch next to his Boyfriend, Curly, Darry didn't approve of this at first, but Pony said that if he could date a Hood, so could he, which Darry couldn't argue with that.

"Golly, I'm sorry Darry I just forgot" Pony said getting up to go pick up his school stuff that was scattered across the living room.

"'Im sorry' 'I forgot' Damnit Ponyboy thats all i hear from you! For once please listen to me! I'm so goddamn stressed and i don't need this shit" What Darry didnt know is Dally walked into the Room when he started yelling.

"Hey, Hey, what are you doing Babe?? Sit down! You're putting pressure on the baby..." Dally says protectively. Walking over to Darry and sitting him down.

"What do you need done, Man?" Dally asks. Getting a cig out and remembering he can't because od the baby, he briskly puts it away, slightly shaking because he hasn't had one in a while. Darry sees this and decides to say something.

"Babe, you can smoke i doubt it'll do anything to the baby." Darry says putting his hand on his stomach. Dally looks down at Darrys hand and smiles coming over and putting his hand on Darrys stomach. He's due any day now, they've been prepared and they know exactly what they are gonna do.

"Babe, I cant smoke near this pretty thing... I'm thinking of quitting..." Dally says making everyone in the room look at him in shock, especially Darry. Curly gets out a smoke and Dally gets up slapping it out of his hand.

"Hey man, what the hell was that for?" Curly yells. Dally motions toward Darrys enlarged belly and Curly makes an 'oh' sound and puts the cigarette away.

"Pony, go get your stuff done, stop putting so much stress on Darry Man, he doesn't need this stress, hes pregnant alright?" Dally says getting up and looking at Pony. Pony get a pissed off kii on his face.

"You aren't my fucking dad Dallas, you have no right to tell em ehat to fucking do!" Pony spsts, "it's not my fault Darry got himself knocked up by you!" Pony says walking past Dally over to the kitchen.

"I know I'm not your dad kid! But if you had any fucking decency at all, you would realize this is a lot of fucking stress, Sida works all damn dya just to helo around here, what do you do?!? Leave it all to Darry right? Yeah its Totally smart to leave it all to the Pregnant guy who has stress issues! Hell I'm fucking stressed! We don't need you giving him lip, or not helping at all" Dally rants getting protective over his Boyfriend.

"Dallas.." Darry says in the middle of Dallys rant, being ignored.

"And another thing, whyt he hell is your school shit alk over?!? Take care of your damn shit..." Dally continues not realizing his Boyfriend wincing in pain on the couch.

"Dally!" Darry yells a bit louder Hoping to get his attention.

Dally just continues yelling at Ponyboy, "And what the hell man, Curly? Really?"

"Dal..." Darry whimpers out clutching at his stomach. Dally turns at the voice of his Boyfriend. He rushes over and puts his Hands on Darrys shoulder.

"Baby? Babe are you okay??" Dally asks panicking.

"I... I think she's coming..." Darry says whining. Dally gets up IMEDITANTLY and runs into the kitchen to grab his keys but they aren't there, he looks around for a bit and still can't find them, he runs into the living room looking around frantically.

"You lost the keys didnt you?" Darry speaks up chuckling slightly. Dally looks over and shakes his head no while looking at Curly for help. Curly gets up and runs out the door down to the car, and good thing hes a Hood, who has stolen cars in the past, he can get it started. He runs back i to he house.

"Dally, the cars started!" He yells going closer to Dally. He sees pony freaking out and he runs over. "Hey, hey babe it sokay, He'll be okay alright?" Crurly tries to relax pony as much as possible, knowing that if Pony is freaking out, so will Darry.

"Curly! Let's go!" Dally yells going out the door with Darry. They all get in the car and rush tot he hospital. Dally practically busts in there, yelling for help for his Boyfriend who's going into labor.

"Hey! Hello?!? Can someone help us here? My boyfriends going into labor, man!" He yells and People come out and take him to his Hospital room.

**Two Hours Later**

Pony and Dally are sitting in the waiting room, Since Dally ddint think he could see his Boyfriend get cut up to take a kid out of him (aka C-section lol) so hes out sitting eith, well pacing with, Pony. They called the rest of the Gang, and they are all trying to get him to calm down, even Tim came to try to call Dally down.

"C'mon Dally Man, you should sit down, pacing ain't doing nothing but worryin' ya." Two-Bit says from his spot beside Pony. Dally finally sits down, but just when he does he hears a voice.

"Family of Darrel Curtis?" The doctor says. They all stand up, yes all 7 of them, the doctor looks confused for a second, then speak to them.

"Darrel Curtis has given birth to a Beautiful baby girl, may I ask who the father is?" The doctor says, Dally slightly raises his hand and walks closer.

"How is he... And she?" Dally asks nervously. The doctor signals for them to follow him to rhe room. Dally walks the quickest after him. They come up to the door and Dally walks in just to skile at his Boyfriend holding their beautiful daughter. Dally gasps and walks over. Darry looks up and gives her to him. Dally feels this overwhelming feeling of Love, and protection run over him. He promised himself in that moment, while sitting by his Boyfriend, and holding his newborn, he would do anything to Protect his family.

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Wow. Alright, so the request was Protective Dally with pregnant Darry, but I think this kinda goes past that lol. I didn't mention it much but i hope this is good!

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