Chapter 1

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A/N Okay so some of you might have read this before and realized this chapter has changed, but I re read it and I was literally cringing, so edited it! But its the same plot and everything I've just changed the wording sorta!

I walk into my room and slam the door shut behind me, my first day of college is tomorrow yet I still haven't saved up for the books. What am I supposed to do? I groan and drop myself onto my bed, the old and springy mattress creeks and bends as I do so.

Then something catches my eyes the door to my wardrobe is held open old magazines!!!! On no she didn't!

"BRIANNA! GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"What's wrong?" she says, no more than a second later poking her head inside my room and smiling innocently at me, showing off her pearly whites.

"You tell me...what is wrong Brianna? What have we been doing today that we're not supposed to?" I say narrowing my eyes at her, then nodding my head towards the magazine.

Her eyes widen and she starts to play with the hem of her shirt.

"I dunno....?" she says in a small voice.

"Brianna! I told you not to! !". I say and sigh wearily.

"You were almost my age when you read them!" she says jumping to her defense.

"I was 14 Brianna! Not 10, which by the way is your age, in case you forgot! Stay out or your grounded!".

"Oh yeah? And what gives you the right to ground me? Last time I checked you were my sister not my mum!!" she screams.

"Brianna, we've been over this millions of times! Okay? It's hard enough raising myself up, I don't need that kind of attitude! Be reasonable! Okay? Now go to your room and don't read my magazines again!"

"Fine! Cranky pants..." she adds and rolls her eyes.

I sigh and lean my head back onto the mattress. Am I being over protective? She's my little sister! If I'm not gonna who is? If only mum and dad were here.....Things would have been so much easier! But no we can't control this sort of stuff...Mum had cancer and we couldn't anything about that. But what about dad? he didn't have to walk out on us, he did that on his own...

My eyes brim with tears and I wipe them with my hands.

"NIKKI! Hurry up! I'm hungry! I want dinner!" I hear Brianna shout from the kitchen.

"Alright i'll be there in a sec." I say hoping she doesn't notice the wobble in my voice.

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