Chapter 6

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A/N! Umm....Hey! I know I didn't keep my promise about updating earlier....but come on! Let's face it! I am a lazy girl...and THIS IS JUST TOO MUCH EFFORT! UGH! ....*deep breath* LOL! kay I am better! I just had to get that out! But it's not as if I wait months! I mean like it's just been a week or two...somethinng like that! BUT I AM CRAY EXCITED CAUSE I HAVE 508 VIEWS IN 5 CHAPTERS! YAY FOR MEHHH! i know it's not that good...but it's a record for me...and it made my day...and possible my whole week...hehe what a sad life! XD XD XD! It's funny how I do such long author notes...cause it's not like people actually read least I know that I don't! I need to get started with this chapter nowww! ....(are A/N supposed to be at the end or start??? I am just sooooo professional! XD) 


I pick up my bag and stuff mackenzies umbrella in time I see her...I walk slumped through the rain, each foot feeling like a boulder. Too overwhelmed by all these memories that are coming rushing back to me....the memories I have tried to keep from even myself, it's about time I realise I can't hide something for myslef, I am just gonna have to face it and go through it, like I have with all of life's problems.


"BRI!" I call. "I AM HOME!"

I hear some clattering from the kitchen and then my little sister pops her head out from the kicthen. 


I hang my coat and put mackenzies umbrella down. I make my way to the kitchen and find brianna making some food...and might I say...making a HUGE mess with it!

"TA DA!" she shouts. A grin spread across her face along with some macooroni and cheese...which I assume is what she is making. But the grin is immediately wiped off her face as she sees me. 

"Nikki? What happened?". she asks gently.

OH DANG! I didn't get to clean up me face! I catch a glimpse of myself, on the mirror hanging on the wall..I look terrible! My tears have smudged my mascara, leavind trails of black smudges down my face, my eyes are red and puffy, and my hair is teased and puffed up.

I quickly wipe my eyes in an attempt to clean it up, but it only makes it worse.

"Nothing." I lie.

She raises her eyebrows at me. It's moments like these where she reminds me soo much of my mum.

"It's just my hay fever acting up okay?"

Brianna doesn't buy it though.

"You don't even get hay fever anymore!" 

"Well...I did this year!"

"It's not even the right time of the year for it!"

" JUS- JUST MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!" I say my voice rising.

"I am just trying to help you!" she says in a small voice  and a second later breaks down crying. 

I feel guilt rush through me. Why am I dong this to her? She's my LITTLE sister! here she is trying to be mature and comfort me, yet I shout at her like an annoyed teen. I should be the one helping her get through stuff, not the other way round!

I rush to her side.

"Brianna! I am sorry! You know I didn't mean that! i am just a bit fustrated!" I say wrapping my arms around her. 

"Wh- why are you s-soo fus-fustrated?". she whimpers.

I sigh. "trust me...Brianna...I would tell you...-"

"Then tell me!"

'Look Bri it's just stupid grown up problems! In fact it's more like the past... but don't worry I was just being a bit silly! I am over it now!"

"Fine!" she huffs.

"Sooo what's this I smell? Macarooni and cheese? Mmmhhmmmm!"

"Yep! I made it for you! I know you were mad at me for trying to read those magazines! So it's my way for saying sorry!"

I give her a quick hug before she goes off to set the table. She has grown so much and been through soo much...probably too much for a 10 yr old! I honestly can't belive this is my bratty 6 yr old sister from 4 yrs ago! Not that she isn't bratty now! She stills annoys me like crazy! ..but she has matured a lot and understands our situation a lot more than I expected her too! I feel proud of her! She didn't break down crying, and annoy me with questions, she didn't annoy me about not having all the toys kids her age had when we were both left on our own. That's one of the things I owe her for! 

"NIKKI! SOMEONE'S CALLING ON YOUR PHONE!" she calls interupting my thoughts. 

"What?" I barely ever get any calls, except from Brianna.

"Answer it!" I call back, not having enough energy to talk to one of those telemarketing people.

I go up to her and find her chatting away to the person on the phone.

"Who is it?" I shout whisper.

"COOTIE GUY!" She says a cheeky grin on her face.

Cootie guy? Who the heck is that? And why is brianna talking to this "cootie guy" like they're old friends? 

My over proteective sister streak comes out and I quickly snatch it away from Brianna and put the phone on my ear.

"Hello?" I say nervously.

"Hey Nikki! It's me Brandon!" and right there I have a mini heart-attack!

A/N Sorry for the EXTREMELY short chapter! Hey! It's better than nothing! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote and comment! :{D

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