Chapter 4

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A/N Hey! I haven't updated for a while..mostly because I didn't think people were actually reading this! Well now I am and I hope you enjoy!

Recap:"Hahahah! Thanks..I think. You haven't changed personality wise funny,dorky and cute!" My stomach does a little flip-flop! Oh-no, not again! I'm gonna have to go through that whole crush-its stage again?

"So where did you go?" He asks. There it is. The question I had been dreading! 


OH GOD! Really? I  take a huge gulp and try to explain. The next halfwill consist of the usual things when I tell people, you know like "You poor thing!" or "I can't believe you had to go throughthis alone" and all that stuff! I don't blame them! That's exactly what I would do...but to be honest it really does get a bit fustrating with all the sympathy! 

"If it's anyone who had to go through all that I'd choose you, I don't mean it that way, but I know you Nikki and I know you're capable of going through all that! You managed very well and honestly, compared to what you went through at middle-school, this is just beating it!" he says wih a chuckle.

His response gives me a huge schock! Most poeple react with sympathy, or tears or hugs, but so far, Brandon has been the first to say that acknowledge me! I don't know how to react! I just mutter a simple thanks!

"Well, I should head off! It's getting late!" I say refusing to make eye contact.

"Oh yeah! I should too! It was great meeting up with you! I hope we can do it again some other time!" he says with a grin.

"Yeah, me too!" and i dart off without another word.

I don't know why I am acting like this! I should be grateful and happy, but for some reason with Brandon telling me how well i have managed,all the pain I have kept in for years demands to be released.To break free of the cage I have been keeping concealed  inside of me for far too long now.

I have collapse on the ground letting my tears patch up the deep wounds inside of me. I sit their for a minute or 2 just letting all the emotion loose and breaking free of the big weight on my shoulders. Later rain starts pouring down as if to reinforce my tears. Then a familiar tap tap of designer heels comes from behind me. The rain has stopped pouring...atleast on me. All this seems so two memories mushed into one...I wipe my tears and my nose with the sleeve of my shirt.  I look up a bit and recognise those icy blue eyes looking down at me.

A/N Hahahah! Sorry for the cliffhanger! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote and comment! Thanks for reading!

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