The Broken Promise

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Somewhere on the isle four friends sat around in their hideout doing nothing. 

"Mal can we do something? Please?!" Jay complained out of boredom.

"Like what?" Mal asked annoyed.

"I don't know. Anything!" Jay yelled also annoyed.

"Can you stop complaining?! It's really annoying!" Evie yelled at Jay. "Oh! You know what I just remembered?!"

"What?" Mal asked looking up from the floor at Evie.

"That in two days the prince of Auradon is making his first visit to the isle before coming king." Evie explained and started blushing. "I bet he's so cute." 

"Eh he's okay." Mal stated.

"How would you know Mal? You've never met him before." Replied Evie.

"How would you know?" Mal smirked.

"Because you would've told me." Evie answered rolling her eyes at Mal smirking.

"Maybe it just split my mind." Mal said still smirking.

Evie rolled her eyes, then Carlos was looking at them confused and asked. "What did you really meet him?" 

Mal kept smirking, then started laughing. She stood up. "Jay you want to go do something?"

"Yes!" Jay answered excitedly.

"Great take Carlos." Mal said and pushed Carlos into Jay.

"Seriously?! You're making me take him?!" Jay started complaining again.

"You wanted to go." Mal replied.

"Fine!" Jay yelled annoyed and grabbed Carlos's collar and pulled him out.

"Wait! Don't I get a say in this?!" Carlos called back.

Mal laughed again, then sat back down on the floor.

"So you want to talk about how you supposedly met the prince?" Evie asked.

"Not really." Answered Mal and continued drawing.

"Mal." Evie said.

"What?!" Mal turned to Evie with a confused and annoyed look.

"Please I want to know about him." Evie started. "Like what kind of girls he likes." 

"Well just so you know. I don't think he's into isle girls. More Princesses." Mal started explaining.

"I'm a princess!" Evie exclaimed excitedly.

"Auradon princesses!" Mal corrected her.

"Oh." Evie's smile fell. "Well what else about him?"

"He doesn't seem to keep his promises." Mal continued.

"Like what?" Questioned Evie.

"The truth is when we were ten before the four of us really become friends. He came here with his dad for a visit and we met. Then the next month he came again but got in trouble for running off. Before he left that time he made a promise that when he can he's gonna come back for me. But it seems like he forgot. I'm guessing he was never aloud to come back, but even his dad never came back." Mal finished.

"M why didn't you ever tell me?" Evie asked still processing.

"Because I stopped caring. I forgot about him. The way he forgot about me." Mal answered. "I'm getting tired I'm gonna go take a nap."

"Mal." Evie mumbled.

As Mal lied down she started thinking about when they were ten. How he told her he would come back for her, but didn't. How you forgot about her. She thought they had something. Didn't he? Or was all just in her head? She thought like this for five minutes straight. Till she finally fell asleep. 

"Ben? Can we talk about something?" Chad asked Ben during the next day of school.

"Sure. What's up?" Ben replied.

"Well it's about you and Audrey." Chad started.

"Okay... What about us?" Ben asked.

"How do you do? Like keep a girl like her? Like I'm good looking and athletic." Chad asked.

"It's not about looks and skills. It's about how much you care about them." Ben explained. "Anyways I gotta get to class. I'll see you at tourney practice." Ben gave Chad and fist bump before leaving. 

"See you dude!" Chad called as Ben left. 

When Ben sat down in class he looked over and saw Audrey run in and sat with him.

"You alright?" He checked as she watched her take deep breaths. 

"I was just trying to avoid someone. So I went the long way." Audrey setting her things all up.

"Alright." Ben nodded, then turned his focus to the front of the class. "Oh but Audrey tomorrow is when I'm making my first visit in awhile to the isle. And I was hoping you would go with me."

"To the isle?" Audrey asked sounding grossed out.

"Yeah. Is that not okay?" Ben replied.

"No. It's just the isle with all the villains. They can't be trusted." Audrey answered.

"I just need to meet with a few people. It won't take long. Only like two hours." Ben stated.

Audrey gave him a worried look, before blurting out. "Two hours!"

The teacher and all the students looked over at the two.

"Sorry." Ben told them with a wave and smile.

"Two hours?" Audrey asked quieter. "That's too long to be on the isle." 

"You'll be fine." Ben finished, then payed attention to the teacher.

After class Ben was putting his things in his bag and Audrey was waiting for him. 

"I mean like I know I should because I'm your girlfriend and all, but it's just scary." Audrey added.

"Look Audrey if you really don't want to go. I'm not gonna force you. Just thought you would like to." Ben replied while they walked out.

"I understand. Can I think about it?" She asked.

"Yeah, but I need an answer by the end of the day because I'm leaving after school tomorrow." Ben agreed.

"Thanks." Audrey said before kissing his cheek and walking away.

"Seriously man how do you do it?" Chad walked up and watched Audrey walk away.

"I don't know. I guess I'm just a good boyfriend." Ben answered as they walked the other way.

"So tell me what were you and princess talking about?" Questioned Chad as they walked.

"Just that tomorrow is when I'm going to the isle and I was asking her if she wanted to go." Answered Ben.

Ben stopped at his locker and Chad stopped with him. "What did she say?" 

"That she is scared because of all the villains there, but she said she would think about it." Ben replied shutting his locker. "Come on man we gotta get to class before we're late." 

"Well I think I failed that pop quiz." Carlos said as him Evie, and Mal walked out of history of villains class.

"How? It was so easy." Mal bragged in Carlos's face.

"Yeah. Whatever." He pushed her away rolling his eyes.

Evie followed behind laughing till she popped up right beside Mal to say. "Tomorrow's the day."

"What's going on tomorrow?" Mal gave Evie a questionable look.

"The day the prince is coming here." Evie reminded her. 

"Oh right." Mal nodded.

"You'll be about to see your man again." Evie teased elbowing Mal in the arm lightly. 

Mal elbowed Evie back harder. 

"Owe!" Evie cried rubbing her arm. 

"That's what you get." Mal smirked at Evie in pain.

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