A Second Chance

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(In Auradon)

"So Mal I was thinking about us doing my parents story for our project." Ben started.

"Yeah...?" Mal was listening. 

"Do we need to add like a villain in our reenaction?" Ben wondered.

"No. I don't believe so. I'm pretty sure it's just their story. Why are you asking?" Mal replied.

"Because I know that if we wouldn't be able to practice at my house. Because my parents don't like when someone mentions you know who." Ben explained.

"No we don't need to. And if we discover we do. We'll just always practice here." Mal got off her bed and kissed Ben. "Now can we get to work.

"Uma! Uma! I got it!" Harry came running into the Fish and Chips shop yelling.

"What is it Harry?" Uma asked.

"When Mal was here not too long ago she told me she gave one of the workers a letter to give to her friends. What if you do that?" Harry suggested.

"What? Send out a letter to Mal's friends?" Uma asked confused.

"No. Send one out to the prince. Then he'll see you need help and let you come." Harry told her.

"Harry that's not actually a bad idea." Uma smirked. "I should work on it when I'm done here.

After Uma was done working she found paper and something to write with. Then started on her letter.

The next day when the worker came to drop food Uma gave him the letter and told him to give it to Ben. 

Ben was in his room drawing, then heard a knock at the door.

"Come in Mom!" Ben called and the door opened

It wasn't his mom though. "Excuse me Prince Ben. I don't mean to bother you. It's just this letter came in for you." The guard stood by the door.

"Oh! Thank you!" Ben quickly stood up to grab the letter. "Is there anything else?" 

"Uh no sir. Have a good day." The guard replied slowly shutting the door.

"Thank you. You as well." Ben smiled as he shut the door.

Once the door was shut Ben quickly opened the letter and read it. 

The next morning Ben ran up to Mal at her locker.

"Hey Ben. Look I drew you a picture because you drew me one. It's both of us." Mal handed Ben the picture.

"Thanks babe. Look there's something I need to talk about." Ben took the picture and said.

"Sure. What about?" Mal looked at him smiling.

"Uma." Ben stated.

"What?!" Mal shut her locker and pulled Ben somewhere private. "What do you mean by Uma?" 

"I mean I got a letter from her. And I figured you knew her." Ben said.

"Yeah I do, but I'm not on her good side after I kicked her out of my gang six years ago." Mal stated.

"Well what am I supposed to do? She wants me to give her a second chance." Ben explained.

"Ben you know she's probably just saying that to get into Auradon and ruin everything." Mal told him.

"Mal I know, but I was suspicious about Jay when he first came here, but I still let him come. And look how he turned out. So it could be the same way for Uma.

"Look Ben if you want to let her come to Auradon. Be my guest, but don't say I didn't warn you." Mal said, then walked away. 

The next day the worker came to deliver food and Uma was passing by. 

"Hey! Hey you girl!" He called to Uma.

"Yeah?" Uma walked over to him.

"Here. This is for you. From the prince." He leaned over and handed Uma the letter.

"Uh thanks." Uma replied taking it.

She ran off somewhere private to open it. In the letter Ben said he wants her to come and that he sending out a limo for her and two others tomorrow.

"You want to come with me? I mean it was your idea." Uma asked Harry as he ate.

"I know it was, but I didn't actually think it was going to work." Harry responded.

"Will you though? He said I can invite two. And I need my first mate with me when I take over Auradon and get my revenge on Mal. Both of us will get our revenge on her." Uma explained.

"Okay. You convinced me. I'm in." Harry agreed.

"Good!" Uma smiled.

"Who's the only one you're going to invite?" Harry wondered.

Uma didn't say anything just smirked and Harry knew right away who it was.

"Go to Auradon? How?" Gil questioned.

"I was invited by the prince. You know Belle and Adam's son? He told me I could invite two others. So why not my first and second mates." Uma stated.

"Okay I'm in!" Gil agreed too.

The next morning Ben wasn't in class because he was waiting for them to arrive. 

"Hey Lonnie have you seen Ben anywhere?" Mal whispered to her.

"You didn't hear? Ben invited new Vks into Auradon, so Ben is waiting for them." Lonnie answered.

"And he gets to skip class for that? Why?" Mal asked.

"Because he's prince. Audrey is out there with him." Lonnie replied.

"Why is she out there?" Mal asked trying not to get jealous.

"Because their families are really close and she's kind of on the welcome council." Lonnie finished and paid attention up front.

Mal leaned back in her seat and looked out the window.

"Thanks again Audrey for doing this." Ben said.

"We might not be dating, but I'm still part of the welcome comity. So it's kind of my job." Audrey replied back.

Just then they saw the limo pull up. Ben started smiling and got a bit nervous too.

Once they were out Fairy Godmother walked up first. "Welcome to Auradon Prep. I'm Fairy Godmother, Headmistress."

"Hi I'm Ben. It's so good to finally meet you all. This is Audrey." He introduced himself and Audrey.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Uma asked being serious.

At first Ben laughed, then noticed she was serious. "Oh no. She's not. My girlfriend is in class right now."

"What? She too nervous to come and see me?" Uma teased.

"No Uma. She just has class and I didn't want to disturb her." Ben told Uma.

"Alright then." Uma shrugged it off.

"How about a tour then?" Ben asked, then him and Audrey started walking as the three followed.

As Ben was giving a tour he was passing by the class Mal was in. Mal glanced over and made contact with Uma. 

Uma smirked and made a flirty face to Ben from behind trying to make Mal mad and jealous. Then they walked away and Mal couldn't see them anymore. 

"Well that's mostly it of the school. We can show you your dorm rooms now. If you like?" Ben questioned. 

Harry and Gil quickly nodded their heads.

"Alright right this way then." Ben opened a door and held it for all of them. 

He brought Harry and Gil to theirs first. Then brought Uma to hers.

"Now if there's anything you need. Feel free to ask." Ben told Uma before leaving.

Uma just nodded at what he said. 

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