In Mal's Head

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(The next day)

Ben was sitting at a picnic table working on a drawing. Then Evie walked up and sat down.

"Ben I think we should talk." Evie said.

"Yeah sure. What's up?" Ben asked

"About the other night at the dance." Evie began.

"Yeah what about it?" Ben asked as he closed his sketchbook.

"Why didn't you forgive Mal?" She asked.

"I did. It's just I wasn't ready." Ben looked down at his sketchbook.

"What you mean? You weren't ready?" Evie was trying to get an answer.

"I mean I wasn't ready to be dating her. I just wanted to enjoy the night with no drama." Ben stated.

"Maybe you should give her a chance. Talk to her." Evie suggested.

"You really want us to fix things don't you?" Ben wondered.

"Yes. I should've never kissed you that night. And I'm sorry." Evie apologized. 

"Evie it's fine. Don't worry about it. I'll talk to Mal later." Ben promised.

"Good! I'll see you later the." Evie stood up and left.

"Why did you let him go with her? you met him first. He belongs to you. Not her! You need to get what's yours!" The voice said.

"No! I'm not ruining their relationship!" Mal yelled as she was sitting on her bed.

Then there was a knock at her door. She sighed and got up to open it and found Ben standing there with his sketchbook.

"Ben? What are you doing here?" Mal looked at him surprised.

"I came to apologize. Can I come in?" Ben said.

Mal nodded and moved out, so Ben could walk in.

"Apologize for what?" Mal questioned as she shut the door.

Ben turned around to face her. "For the other night. I kind of just ignored you. And I'm sorry." 

"Ben it's okay." Mal replied.

"Also I made you something." Ben opened his sketchbook and ripped out a page, then handed it to her.

Mal took it and looked at it. To see it was a picture of her with a crown.

"Ben I don't know what to say." Mal looked up at him with a smile.

"You're my princess." Ben stated

Then Mal started blushing and hugged Ben. 

"Thank you." She whispered. 

"You're welcome." Ben whispered back.

Mal looked up at him and he looked down at her and they were about to kiss, but then the door started opening and they pulled away.

"Hey guys. Didn't know you were in here." Evie said about to shut the door.

"Yeah. Well I should go. I just wanted to apologize to Mal." Ben grabbed the door and shut it on his way out.

"So what did he say?" Evie smirked and sat on her bed.

"He apologized for the other night. Then he gave this to me that he made." Mal showed Evie the drawing.

"Wow. Ben is really talented. That's something you guys have in common." Evie stated.

"Yeah." Mal looked back at the drawing and started smiling.

"Mal there's something I should tell you." Evie started.

"Sure. What is it?" Mal glanced up at Evie.

"While you were on the isle we went to this party that Ben's friend, Chad was hosting and we played this game. A game called seven minutes in heaven. It was Ben's turn to spin the bottle and it landed on me. We had to go into a closet for seven minutes. Usually when you go in there you're supposed to kiss or something, but we didn't. Until later when I went to Ben's house and kissed him there. I'm really sorry M." Evie explained.

"You two... Kissed?" Mal stuttered.

"Yes, but Mal I promise it doesn't mean anything. We don't even like each other that way." Evie stood up and went to Mal.

Mal backed up. "I... Excuse me." Mal dropped the drawing, then ran out of the room.

As she was running the voice kept talking to her. "You can't let them get away with this. He is yours." 

"Stop! Leave me alone!" Mal yelled and shook her head.

When she got out she saw Ben talking to someone.

"There he is go get what's yours." The voice said.

Mal didn't say anything she just shook her head again. She was about to walk to Ben, but turned the other way and went somewhere else.

Later as Ben was in his room he was playing guitar, then he got up to leave his room. When he opened it Mal was standing there about to knock.

"Hey." Ben smiled.

"Hey. Can we talk?" She asked.

"Yeah. In here?" Ben backed up a bit.

"Yeah." Mal nodded and walk in.

Ben shut the door and turned to see Mal sitting on his bed.

"Can you sit here with me?" Mal put her head on bed.

Ben nodded and sat down next to Mal. "So what's this about?" 

"Evie told me you two kissed." Mal began.

"Oh. She did? Mal look there's nothing between us." Ben was saying.

"I know. She told me. But that's not the only thing I wanted to talk about." Mal replied.

"Okay so what did you want to talk about?" Ben wondered looking her right in the eyes.

"Us. Are we together? Are we gonna be together?" Mal was asking.

"I don't know. Is that what you want? Because if it is I'm down." Ben grinned and so did Mal.

"Yes. Yes that's what I want." Mal responded.

"Good!" Ben said as Mal quickly hugged him.

"Also there's something I should tell you." Mal said.

"Yeah what is it?" Ben let go of his grip.

"Since I was a kid every time I get upset or mad about something there's this voice in this head that tries to make me do things I'll regret. And I don't want that coming in the way of our relationship." Mal explained.

"It's nothing we can't handle." Ben told her with another hug.

"Thank you for understanding." Mal whispered to him.

Ben let go of Mal and held her face. "Anything for you." Then he kissed her.

"Wow." Mal blushed after that.

"Sorry. Was that too soon?" Ben asked feeling embarrassed.

"No. It was just great." Mal replied, then kissed him again.

Ben smiled as they kept kissing.

The next day at school Mal was setting things up at her locker. She hung the drawing of her that Ben made.

Then the voice came back. "Now you make sure he doesn't ever leave you."

"Listen I'm not gonna be tortured by you anymore." Mal whispered to herself.

"Hey babe. You ready to go to class?" Ben asked.

"Yes." Mal smiled shutting her locker.

Ben wrapped his arm around her and they walked to class. 

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