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The part in this song in this chapter is the adult part

"Well...? Who is she? And what's the promise that you made?" Mal asked waiting for his answer.

"I know the promise was that I would take her back to Auradon with me, but I never came back for her." Ben started. "That leaves me with the mystery girl." Ben smirked.

Mal raised her head up at him and smiled back shyly. "So who's the lucky lady?" 

"I believe you know them quite well." Ben continued smirking.

"I'm waiting." Mal started smirking too.

"I believe my mystery girl is Evie." Ben stated.

Mal started smiling, then stopped when he said Evie. "Really?! You think it's Evie?! She has blue hair! Doesn't your mystery have purple hair?!" Mal freaked.

"Maybe I was wrong. Evie just seems like her." Ben answered shrugging.

"Ben. I promise you it's not her." Mal tried explaining.

"Then who is she?" Ben crossed his arms and lifted an eyebrow.

"She's uh... She's." Mal stuttered.

"See you don't even know. I'm gonna go talk to Evie." Ben looked up at the hideout.

Before he could make his way up there Mal stopped him. "Don't you have to go now it's getting pretty late." Mal tried pushing him away.

"Yeah you're right. I should probably get going. I'll come back tomorrow though and talk to her then." Ben nodded, then started heading back to the limo. "Bye Mal!"

"Bye!" Mal called and waved back. When Ben was out of view Mal ran inside the hideout. "Where's Evie?!"

Jay was sitting on the couch and pointed in the direction of where Evie was.

Mal ran over there and shut the door. "Evie we need to talk."

"Sure. What's up?" Evie asked putting a magazine she was reading down.

"Ben think that the girl he met six years ago is you!" Mal blurted out.

Evie stood up in surprise. "What?!" 

Mal could tell Evie had joy in her tone. "This is not good Evie!"

"Why not? Because the prince of Auradon has a crush on me? Oh no so bad." Evie said sarcastically.

"No because I..." Mal stopped. "Nothing."

"You what? You like him?!" Evie asked getting excited again.

"No! I don't like him!" Mal tried defending herself.

"Then what is it then?" Evie crossed her arms. 

"I just. I want him to remember that I was the one who's heart he broke." Mal explained and sat on the bed.

"You did like him?" Evie sat down with Mal slowly and asked.

"Yeah." Mal nodded. 

"What happened?" Evie asked as she wrapped her arm around Mal.

"So when we were ten and that day he told me he would come back for me. Well the next day passed. Then more days passed, then weeks, and even months. I waited so long for him to come back for me, but he never did. I remember the next year around the same time the year before a limo showed up and I was all excited thinking this was finally the day. But instead of Ben showing up it was just his dad." Mal finished.

"Wow Mal. I'm really sorry about that." Evie hugged Mal slightly.

"Yeah whatever. I just wanted him to know that for two years straight I waited for him, but he never came." Mal sighed.

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