train love?

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No one pov

A place where in every morning, you'll be going through hell. The morning rush hour in the train, Japanese common occurrence in daily life of the commoner where all the people there squeeze in to go to school or work. Kuroko is protected from the suffer of being squeeze to death by Akashi. The teal head lean on the train door with the red head in front of him with his right hand onto the door and left one to the pole near by creating a space for Kuroko to breathe. Kuroko look to the suffocated looking red head, hold on to his bag and Akashi's near his chest, feeling guilty. 

"Akashi kun, are you okay?", said as he look up the red head. 

"Hm? Kuroko,I'm fine.", said as he look to the teal head and smile.

"But you look like you gonna snap?"

"No I'm not, you imagining thing Kuroko."

""you sure? your face is getting red and you are sweating so much", said as he take his handkerchief to wipe the red head's fore head. Suddenly the train make a stop, Akashi can feel his body contact with a sweaty geezers behind him and breathing heavilly near his ear. The door open so they move away so they don't get carried away by the flow since their stop is next. Akashi make mental note to endure this for awhile more. At first the train reduce then more people come refill it. Naturally Akashi protect Kuroko again near the door since its their stop next. 

This time more people inside, eventually Akashi got push to an inch near Kuroko. The teal head look down blushing red and the red head smirk. Then he feel some hand grope his ass making him to jolt by the sudden touch. He glare behind him to see a guy with a hoodie panting and continue on groping. He's about to do something to the pervert but he stop when he realize that he's with Kuroko. He grit his teeth and a tick appear on his forehead when the pervert still going on groping his ass. Kuroko notice the red head discomfort so he tilt his head wondering. Akashi just give him a reassurance smile to the teal head but he didn't believe it. The teal head about to say something but the train announce the next stop is near. 

The train stop and the door open, Akashi let Kuroko got out first then he turn his body to the pervert, grab his arm and throw him out of the train to the bench effortlessly, instantly knocked out. Akashi pull out his phone and dial his personal butler about the situation. After the call, he look around to find Kuroko, he spot Kuroko on his left side, in shock with both his hand over his mouth. The red head smile at Kuroko and grab his hand head toward to school. 

While they walk toward the school, Kuroko then stop walking. Akashi turn around to see the teal head have tears overflowing like a waterfall. The red head frantically ask if his alright.

"Kuroko, are you okay? What's wrong? Are you hurt somewhere?", said as he look over his body for any injury. 

"Akashi kun...", said as he wipe his tear with his sleeves.

"yeah?", said as he tilt his head.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING BACK THEN?! YOU COULD HAVE ASKED FOR HELP OR AT LEAST TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG! IS IT BECAUSE YOU THINK THAT I'M USELESS TO BE ANY HELP FOR YOU?!!!", he snap with an angry expression to the red head that just stunned by it. Akashi just smile then pat his head. 

"It because its my first time I go to school on a train with you so I don't want to make a scene or make you worry for me. I'm glad and happy that you care for me so much.", said as he caress the teal head's cheek.

"Akashi kun....Now that I think about it...Why do you decide want to ride the train with me for?", said as he look at the red head, Akashi just gesture him to walk to school while talking. 

"well....about that..."


Yesterday, after the practice the red head walk toward his classroom because he forget something. When he got there, he hear squealing in his class so when he open the door, there a group of girls in his class with book in the middle. The girls jump when they see him enter the class then they whisper to each other.

"hey hey, don't you think that if its Akashi sama it would be so cool?"

"yeah! I know! It would be great if I with him in this scenario , I definitely fall for him"

"no way! I want to!"

"no me! "

"I want to!"

Although the whisper can be heard by Akashi clearly. He was about to ignore them but then he hear this line that make him stop his track. 

"Anyone can instantly fall for Akashi sama if it was him"

His interest piqued, he turn toward to the girls and take a peek of the book. It was a shoujo manga. The girls notice Akashi behind them and scream in embarrassment. 

"Aka-Akashi sama! what's wrong?", said blushing to the red head.

"can you lend me that book?"

"yeah sure....", said as they give the red head. Akashi smile and told them he will give them back after he finish. leaving the girls in shock and full of question.


After he's done his study worth of a week, he take out of the book aka shoujo manga from his bag. He was debating as to why he borrow this. He stare at the comic cover of a high school girl blushing while got protected by a guy with the same school uniform in the train. He turn over the comic to read the synopsis in the back cover. It was about a ordinary girl with a normal life met in coincidence with the popular guy in her school, they fall in love through the event of the train. Pretty much cliche shoujo romance. He skim through the comic and got the idea if its work on his Kuroko or not. So he call him to go to school with him. 

In the comic, it was morning rush hour in the train, the girl got push by the other so she got notice by the popular guy, he protect her just like Akashi was and the girl instantly fall for him. Although the part where he got sexual harassed was not in his plan. 

end of flashback~ 

"so it was like that. Does it work?", said as the red head smile to the teal head. Kuroko dumbfound of Akashi.

"so what you are saying is that you trying make me fall for you?. Are you an idiot Akashi kun? I though you more smart than that.....", said as he walk away from the red head but his expression betray him, he blushing bright red and his ear red too. Akashi of course notice it, smirk in victory. He catch up to the teal head so he can walk side by side.

"yeah. I'm an idiot if its with you Kuroko because I'm in love with you", he said as he smile to the teal head.

"...idiot.....You know that I already in love with you so you don't have to do that kind of stuff.......", as he mutter and cover his face with both his hand in embarrassment. Akashi take his hand and kiss his cheek.

"I know."

The end!

If anyone want either pov, tell me!

Any request open so fire away!

K luv ya


Bye bye😁

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