Its much better this way...Kuroko....(MIDOKURO)P2.

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Kuroko pov

I gasp loudly after hearing the bad news of Midorima kun condition. As well as the others with me, I look down thinking through what the doctor said. I'm glad that the good news is that Midorima kun can recover after a two week. He can carry on his daily life just fine, even after his recovery he can carry on the practice.

But the only complication is that Midorima kun's vocal cords paralysis where this condition can occur during a car accident if the neck or chest is injured. Trauma in these regions of the body damage the nerves responsible for the voice. the doctor explain that the he may be lost his ability to speak in long term through recovery of 6 to 12 weeks. It also may be permanent. Hearing that Midorima kun may lost his ability to speak permanently make me wish it happen to me instead.

I don't wish or think he deserve all this at all.

No one pov

The teal head asked if they can visit the green head and right after he hear the approval to and the room number, Kuroko instantly went to the said room. Follow by the other, Kuroko stop in front of the door Midorima's. The others look over to the teal head seemly to in trouble or having a second thought to enter the room. Remembering thing that happened earlier where the green head bluntly said that he don't like his existence making him to unable to move forward or do he know what to do or talk when he see the green head. He badly want to meet Midorima but does he have the choice to. He conflict on to act like nothing did happen between them so he can see the said man or just see the man out of concern as friend. He vaguely recall that he confessed his love to him and said he will stay away from the green head sight.

"Kuroko?",said as the red head place his hand to the teal head's shoulder. Kuroko visibly flinch, he shift his standing uncomfortably making the other to feel worried for him.

"I....I have to...go now....",said as he turn to run off only get to stop by Aomine.

"you not gonna to see him, Tetsu?...", said as the blue head frown when the teal head about to run off.

"Kuro chin...",said the purple head.

"he'll hate me more if I was in his sight.....just...please tell me how's he doing...", said as he trying to hold back his tears.

"why would you say that Kurokochii?", said as he look at the teal head, bend his body to look over his expression.

"he obviously hate me...he always says his dislikes openly to me....", said as he look down, his eyes cover by his bang. Akashi just sigh.

"Kuroko, I know you notice that he didn't mean it at all. His a tsundere after all.", said as he snicker lightly. Kuroko just keep up his blank expression, emotionless.

"yeah! Kurokochii, he didn't mean that! So let's go in?", said as he try to cheer up the teal head.

"fine...but just let me...change my clothes first..", said as he reveal bloody uniform. They said ah at the unison, just noticing his uniform state right now.

"I will buy you some clothes for you, so you don't have to go all the way to your house. let's go kuroko."said the red head as he drag the teal head without hearing his protest. Eventually, Kuroko give up and let Akashi buy him a change of outfit, though his mind is fill with the green head and his current condition.


Midorima pov

I keep hearing constant beeping that have make me wake up, annoyed by it. Thinking through, I then remember that I'm in accident and get hit by a car. So I'm still survive huh? I wish I were in coma rather than to awkwardly meet up with Kuroko after what I have done to him. He probably hate me by now. I would have gone to slumber if it were not for call out my name, a very familiar voice that make me to skip a beat.

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