private flight attendance.P2

255 7 1

Kuroko pov

This is definitely not how I remember this job goes when I helped out my brother in the past...

How the hell things lead to this?
Feeling uncomfortable in my current position yet I let myself with a straight face. Which may lead to this questionable situation become like this. Sit on a lap with me straddle, arm wrap tightly around my waist, my coat lay near his foot at the plane floor, my shirt got unbuttons halfway. While my right hand cover my mouth, my left hand in a death grip of my thigh pants to control my calm composure for me to think through what happens. I look down to the person called Akashi Seijuroo, kiss butterflies on my neck to my expose chest.

Eye contact with a pair of Heterochromia eyes, feel it stare deep down my soul. Feel shiver down my spine.

Out of nowhere, I moan from where he rubs my 'just notice' a half hard member through my boxer soft fabric and tight pants. I can feel my cheek getting heat up and it arouse me for some reason. He smirks at me as he leans near to my face. His breathing can be felt as he slowly gets an inch closer to my lips. When we nearly about to kiss.

Then the sound of loud gasp can be heard behind me, I froze up. Looking back to see my brother Tetsuharu, with his hand over his mouth, very surprised and pale looking. In a flash, I'm already in my brother's arm, protectively hold me within his muscular arm.

"Seijuroo sama, please don't hold him like that, he's mine!" Onii san squeak out as he hugs my tighter. I sigh then jab him. Really really strongly straight to his hard abs that he so proud of. He instantly stumbles backward, groans painfully. This time is for real. I internally smirk that this time is at his weak point so it must be really hurt.

'I'm no one property' expression present on my face as I look down to my brother still holding his stomach then to Akashi kun. Seeing my expression, the smirk grows wide and wider.

I merely keep up my straight face as I bow down, take my coat to the toilet for my unfinished business down there.

I sigh again as I have done with my thing.

Can I really keep this up?

I, for once oblivious that there a plan brewing to that person brain which may shake my life.

No one pov

The redhead got his interest when he saw the teal head. For the first time, he intrigues of a person, like wanting to get know and not just for personal interest. Well, maybe a little since Kuroko is cute and all. What interest him is his personality despite being known the said man for less than 5 hours after the flight take off.

Akashi feels attracted toward Kuroko. Some may view Kuroko as a plain average guy but to Akashi, he views him as a person who hides something interesting but not willing to reveal it.

And so, the redhead makes up a plan to get the teal head's attention. So what he going for is a friendly conversation, get his number, plan hang outs, be his friend then be his boyfriend, that's it! Voila! He get Kuroko by the palm of his hand but for some reason, he doesn't have a patient in him to do so.


Flash back~

In the plane, still not yet take off for 5 minutes, Akashi sits while Kuroko stands where he's station which is just behind where the redhead currently sit. The redhead would sometime glance behind him to see Kuroko quietly stand up straight with his eye close.

Akashi purses his lip before he rests his head with his hand to the armrest. He glances back to Kuroko then back to his wristwatch. He lifts his right hand and fake cough to catch Kuroko's attention. Kuroko in grace manner walk near Akashi with both his hand behind his back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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