Powers and dark cells

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Patrick's pov

People say I live the perfect life, and to that I say 'you don't know the half of it. Because sure I have a rich father who owns many companies and possibly co-owns own of the most illegal organizations in the country, and enough money to have whatever my heart desires. Which of course means everyone at school thinks I'm a snobby arrogant ass.

In fact, no one at my school has gotten to know me and just goes by what they're told. Dallon Weekes is the only person who had the courage to come near me and get to know me. He and I are now best friends. He's my only friend.

As well as the only one who knows my biggest secret. No not that I'm gay which I am. No this secret would have me more than hated it would have me locked in a cell being tested every day in the place my father co created.

I'm a mutant as the world call it I'm abnormal. Dallon is the only person who knows because he is to. I can break solid objects with my voice and breathe under water. Dallon on the other hand can shoot thorns from his hands. We came up with names for each other to, I was soul punk because Dallon said my voice was soulful when I sang and he became the all-powerful Rex Autem spinas which is Latin for king of thorns.

After many years of knowing Dallon we decided when we turned eighteen we would rescue other mutants from my father's illegal lab, house them in a house I would buy and train them to become superheroes. I know such imagination for a sixteen year old.

Except this wasn't some little dream I would forget about I bought a nine bedroom house at the end of that year. Did lots of research and bought furniture so it was furnished.

We were going to be like the avengers fight crime be heroes with our powers.

Pete's Pov

There were two words that could sum up my life perfectly, absolute crap. When I was four my parents threw me out because I turned into a wolf. They called me a monster a mutant which technically I am. I mean you could call me a werewolf but I'm not I can just turn into a wolf and I have one deadly bite but that's it.

When I was ten someone saw me transform so they acted nice to me. Let's just say it ended with me in a cell where I spent the next five or more years of my life. I believe it was called the M.S.T.L.

Now I'm nearly eighteen and have no idea what the world looks like now. What a sorry excuse for a human being oh yeah I'm not human am I. I'm a monster a mutant or an abomination as some of the people from the lab call me.

I wish I could get out of here I wish I could start a new life. Find someone I love. Ah love I don't even know what it is I've been deprived of it all my life.

But one can dream. I can dream I used to dream about using my mutation to help those in need. But after years I toughened I stopped dreaming. And as depressing as it sounds it made me happier not having any hope so I couldn't have my hopes crushed.


I know horrible right.

The first I dunno let's say 2 chapters will be back story

And before you say anything it's supposed to be like X-men


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