Practice Makes Perfect

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(The song above has nothing to do with the chapter I just like it a lot :p)

Pete's Pov.

I awoke not to birds or loud noises, but Patrick by my side. I still can't quite get my head around why he not only tolerated but enjoyed my company.

I looked at the clock one the bed side table and found it was only five in the morning. I tried to shut my eyes and just sleep but that didn't work all that well. Because I was fighting the urge to cuddle up to Patrick. As I'm sure I've said before I really like him despite the amount of time I'd known him. If I was actually a werewolf (the twilight and fanfic kind) I'd guess he'd be my mate, and if I believed in nonsense I'd call him my soulmate. But I'm not a werewolf and I most definitely don't deserve a soulmate.

After five minutes something happened that I didn't expect, Patrick started hugging me. Which I most definitely did not think was heaven.

I guess the good thing that has come of the situation is if I cuddle up to him when he wakes up I can blame him for it. I'd tell him how I feel, but I'm too much of an idiot. A nervous, awkward idiot.

It seemed that my thoughts had gone on for a lot longer than I had expected and it was now six o'clock. Unlike everyone else in the house who is told to get up at seven forty five, Patrick has to get up at six fifteen. To cook a nice meal for breakfast.

I decided after literal seconds of thought I would savor the situation I was in for the next couple of minutes I had before his alarm went off and woke him.

The time went by so fast and before I knew it his alarm was going off. Unlike what I had expect he didn't really seemed phased by our current situation. I think he thought I was asleep, because after a while he lightly tapped me so I would wake. But it technically impossible because I was already awake.

After a quick good morning we both got dressed and headed down stairs. Because I liked talking to Patrick while he cooked. Somehow Patrick and I had developed quite a routine despite only knowing each other for four days and a bit. We also managed to have an interesting conversation while Patrick cooked enough food to feed an army. Which isn't all that much when you remember he was cooking for eleven young adults.

Patrick's Pov

Cooking I taught myself, it was one of my escapes from my father and family, that and music.

So you can imagine how nice it is to talk to Pete while I cook.

I don't think he realizes yet but I know he wasn't asleep when I woke up. The one thing I don't know is whether he was hugging up to me deliberately or not. Something I've learned about Pete while talking to himself is he views his mutation as a curse instead of a gift. Which I really can't understand what he can do is one of the most amazing things to exist despite what he may think.

After what felt like no time at all everyone started coming down stairs to eat. Everyone sat and had their own conversations. For some reason excluding me, no one except Dallon, Mikey and Pete had said anything to me today.

I assume it's because of my family or more so my father. I hope that they will soon learn that although I'm related to a monster that doesn't make me one. I mean I saved them got them away from my father and his labs.

Or maybe they just didn't like me in general, which I don't blame them for.

Thankfully Dallon was the one who gave the announcement because they seemed to like him.

"If I could have everyone's attention that would be amazing" he beamed, and just like a class of first graders they're heads turned and gave him all the attention. "Today is the day I'm sure you've all be looking forward to. Today we're going to go down stairs to the basement where it's save to practice and well, practice"

After the announcement there were an assortment of reactions, a couple happy, a couple annoyed.

"You are allowed to finish your breakfast first we're not pushing you to do anything" Dallon added.

Dallon's Pov.

Shortly after breakfast everyone made an effort to meet down stairs. Surprisingly no one seemed like they weren't at least going to try. Everyone stood in front of me awaited further instruction. Except for Patrick of course he stood in the corner watching. He seemed determined to keep his mutation hidden, and honestly he was doing a good job.

"Could I please have your attention everyone!" they all turned to me. God I wish kids in school would listen to me like this.

"So I may have lied we're not practicing, because we don't know what we can do. So today is basically showing off" everyone seemed a bit happier about that.

"Now I could I have you forming partners, picking somewhere to sit and well showing off!" I yelled.

I could tell when they all partnered up that some of them had very strong bonds especially fox kid and fire boy. The kind of bond you only find once in a life time, like I have with Breezy.

It all went well for about three minutes. That was when I realized, Pete was trying to partner with Patrick who didn't have a mutation. I thought for a minute and it was then I got it.

"Hey Pete, Way brothers could you come here please" they made their way over worried.

I simply explained that Pete couldn't partner with Patrick like he wanted to and Gerard and Mikey technically needed other partners as well. Thankfully I came up with a simple solution. Mikey with Pete and I with Gerard.

It all went well we all had fun which was a bonus. Half way through Patrick left to go make lunch which didn't surprise me and well no one else seemed to care.

Hi, I'm back. I'm also sorry for those who enjoy this story I've been gone a while. But I have an excuse I've been having problems with family and school. That's also why my writing might be a slight bit off as well.

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