Chapter 8

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Hi! thank you so much for reading it means A LOT. If you could vote for this story that would be so amazing :) please let me know if there are any mistakes, hope you enjoy :)
(warning: there are some curse word in this chapter just in case anyone doesn't like that)

Lalen got home later than his mother and thanked Omay for the ride before he walked into the silent house. His brother and sister must've just been in their rooms and his mother, Georgie, must've just been outside. Lalen took a look at his phone for the time and it read almost 4 o'clock.
Lalen slumped slowly to his room and flopped down onto his bed, utterly exhausted. He spent the next 4 hours watching a tv show he found on Netflix and only getting up for bathroom breaks and junk food. It was the best time he'd had in years, because usually his relaxation hours were interrupted by his brothers fighting or causing some crazy heated argument, and he was always the one to break them up. Or other times the interruptions were Drew trying to build or smash something, or Kahlae screaming and shouting at someone who wasn't even there.
He finally got up to get himself some dinner at close to 8pm and came down the stairs and into the dining room towards the living room and found Eli, Zara and his mother all sat around the table, eating pasta and talking about random things that didn't matter.
"What the hell?" Lalen could feel anger boiling inside him, she'd made everyone else dinner except for him, and they'd even sat down and were eating without him.
"Oh! Lalen! I thought you were asleep!" She acted surprised, but Lalen saw through her act.
"You didn't even come and check. My door was literally wide open. No, you know what, I'll make myself some dinner, just forget it, because clearly you don't want me to be a part of this family just as much as my brothers." He snapped at her and stormed off into the kitchen without another word, leaving his mother sat there, hurt and speechless.
He made himself a ham sandwich and grabbed a big packet of chips and walked back through the dining room without saying a word or even looking at them all.
"Lalen..." his mum tried to call after him but he ignored her and angrily ran back up the stairs to his room. He ate his sandwich on his bed, barely able to breathe because he was so angry. He laid back under the covers and ate his chips grumpily, without thinking to look at his phone. He was really beginning to miss his crazy brothers.

The next morning was boring and quiet, Lalen had nothing to do.
Usually he would do things with the twins, like go for a walk, or play in the backyard, shooting BB guns that their dad had left when he took off, into cans that were lined up along a wooden wall they built. They also had a pool in the backyard, so often they'd go in that and Drew would always, every single time, try and hold Kahlae under the water till he passed out, and he'd succeeded a few times as well. Lalen had always tried to stop him, but he held a BB gun in Lalen's face and threatened to shoot, thinking back about these memories really convinced him even more that his brother was psycho.
Lalen spent his day trying to kill time until 1pm rolled around and Omay would be at his door and they'd be on their way to see his brother. The more bored he got, the more he realised he loved having the boys in his life and with him for everything he did. They were thrilling and it was like being on a roller coaster ride. He enjoyed the thrill so much, he ached to have it back. The constant fear of what Drew was going to do next, or when Kahlae would have his next panic attack, it was all so thrilling and Lalen lived for it. He'd always thought he needed a chilled out life, that his brothers being put away would do him some good. But really, he hated not having them there. They weren't only his brothers but his best friends, they may be crazy, and Drew may be violent and aggressive and really do some damage, but that was all part of the thrill, and Lalen missed it more than he could've imagined, and it had been less than a day they'd been gone.
He watched the time tick by until finally he heard a quiet knock at the door. He dashed to the front door and swung it open, there stood the sweet, 25 year old paramedic who'd drove him everywhere for the passed two days.
"Ready to go?" He said with a huge smile on his face and Lalen grinned.
"Oh yes. Definitely." They both laughed and Lalen shut the door behind him and followed Omay to his car at the end of the long driveway. It was a black, shiny Audi, a medium sized car with 5 seats that were made of smooth leather.
"Oh wow, this is nice." He ran his fingers along the side of it before he got in and Omay laughed.
"Yeah. I guess being a paramedic has its benefits." He got in the car and started the engine. The inside was absolutely beautiful. The seats were a nice, deep black and it had a touch screen navigator and the fancy Bluetooth system that lots of people seemed to have in their cars.
"Right. Let's go then, shall we?" He smiled at Lalen and he nodded. Omay pulled the car off the driveway and set off towards the psych ward, Lalen couldn't help but feel very exited to see his brother.

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