Chapter 13

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Hi :) I'm really loving writing this story! It's been super enjoyable and I'm definitely going to keep it going. Please let me know if there are any mistakes, hope you enjoy :)

Around 10 minutes later Kahlae came staggering into the room with Drew just behind him.
"When are we going home?" Drew came up to Lalen and asked him with a moan.
"Not yet. Go and see Cormat if you want, Drew." Lalen tried to keep his patience, but it was wearing thin.
"I'll do what I want, thanks brother." Drew huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Yeah. That's why I said, 'if you want' know?" He stood up to face his brother and pushed him back by his chest.
"Woah, woah. I just got you guys cleaned up. We don't need anymore fights. Drew, go and find Cormat, you don't have a choice anymore. Lalen let's go outside again, okay?" Kahlae stepped between them and put a hand on Lalen's chest, holding him back. He put his other hand on Drew's chest and made sure they couldn't get to each other. He looked at Lalen but Lalen kept his eyes on Drew with pure hatred.
Drew nodded at Kahlae and walked backwards out of the room, keeping his eyes fixed on Lalen's.
"We'll wait a few minutes, then we'll go outside, alright?" Kahlae told him and he nodded, now slowly moving his eyes off the open door and fixing them on Kahlae.
They waited a few minutes until they were sure Drew would be gone and downstairs then set off towards the elevator.
When they eventually got outside they went to the basketball courts again and found Drew sat on a bench with Cormat. Lalen scowled at his brother and he returned it.
They played basketball for the next couple of hours, running around and enjoying the outdoors just like the old times.
"We're gonna have to go now, Kahlae." Lalen told his brother and he frowned.
"Hey, hey. Don't be sad. We'll be back in a couple of days, okay?" He held his brothers face in his hands and smiled. Kahlae smiled back sweetly and nodded.
They walked over to Drew who was still sat talking to Cormat and Lalen gave him a light tap on the back of his head.
"Hey!" Drew called out turned his head. He gave Lalen the dirtiest stare he'd ever received from anyone and then turned back to Cormat.
"Time to go, princess." He told Drew but he ignored him.
"Yo. Mop head. Let's wrap it up, hey?" He hit Drew again and he suddenly got up and jumped in front of him, just inches from his face.
"What did you call me?" Drew pushed Lalen backwards and Lalen was ready to fight again when once again, Kahlae stepped between them.
"Stop it! God! Grow up, will you?" He yelled at both of them and put each hand on both of their chests again, by this time Cormat had gotten up off the bench and was stood directly behind Drew in defence.
"You both have to go. Now!" Kahlae yelled and them both and they scurried back to the front desk, doing what they'd been told, Kahlae following directly behind them along with Cormat and Omay.
"You guys leaving now?" Clora was stood at the front desk and had just been chatting to the ladies working behind the desk when she saw them all.
"Yep. We are. Bye Kahlae. See you soon buddy." Lalen addressed his brother with a kind smile and leaned in for a hug. Kahlae hugged him back tightly, pulled away and smiled, patting him on the shoulder. He turned and thanked Omay and give him a quick hug in gratitude and a way of saying goodbye then turned to Drew.
"See ya, man." Drew said bluntly to Kahlae and gave him a light pat on the shoulder. Kahlae tried to hug him but it ended up being very awkward.
"See you soon, mate." Drew turned to Cormat and they half hugged half heartedly, then before any of them could say anything else, Cormat walked off with Kahlae to the elevator, not turning the give another wave, goodbye or smile.
"Let's go." Lalen said with a sigh and they walked back across the grass area, Drew and Lalen keeping their distance from each other, Lalen worrying and stressing about what was going to happen when they got home and there was no other strong men, or boys like Kahlae, to come between them and break them up when they fought.
They said a quick goodbye to the ladies in the office and Lalen prepared for another long, draining drive home.
Just as expected the drive home was long, boring and tiring, by the time he got home and flopped onto his bed, he was exhausted, not even thinking to say anything to Drew or revisit arguments and fights.
He fell asleep straight away in his clothes and slept into the early hours of the morning.

When Lalen woke up he heard the sounds of a slight banging noise coming from down in the kitchen. He thought it was probably his brother, but just in case he pulled up a baseball bat from underneath his bed and crept out into the hallway. He snook carefully down the hallway to the stairs and tiptoed down them, trying to make as minimum noise as he could. When he got down into the dark living room he decided to switch the lights on, knowing it would reveal whoever or whatever was in the kitchen. He slid his hand along the wall to where the light switch was and flicked it with his finger. The living room light suddenly lit up fiercely, revealing the dining room and kitchen perfectly.
In the kitchen was his brother, Eli, sat on the counter attached to the wall, reaching up to grab a packet of chips out of the cupboard.
"Eli? What are you doing? It's like 2am?" He asked his brother, walking through the living and dining room that were connected, and into the kitchen, flicking the kitchen light on as he passed the switch.
"I'm hungry." He said, turning back around to reach up and grab the chips.
"No. No chips. Why are you hungry, baby? Did you have dinner?" He asked the boy and he shook his head.
"Why? Where's mum?" He asked the little boy and he picked him up off the counter and put him down on the kitchen tiles.
"She left. At about 2 in the afternoon after we went out until 12. She made us lunch but never came back." He looked down at the floor and Lalen ruffled his hair, trying to make him feel better, when in fact he was actually sick with worry at where his mother had disappeared to, she'd never left them for that long by themselves.
"But why now? Why have dinner now? Hm?" He held his little brothers chin in his hand and lifted his head up to face him.
"I fell asleep at 5. I wasn't hungry then. Now I am." He beamed and Lalen laughed.
"Okay, cutie. Let's get you some real food, alright?" He lifted his brother up again and put him down on the end of the island counter in the middle of the kitchen.
"Sandwich? Toast? Spaghetti?" He asked Eli and he put his fingers on his chin in pistol shape and looked up at the roof, pretending to think.
"Spaghetti!" He yelled out loud in excitement.
"Shhhh!" Lalen put a finger over his mouth and then giggled at his adorable little brother, Eli gasped and smacked both of his hands over his mouth then giggled too.
"Spaghetti it is." Lalen replied with a smile and pulled out a can of spaghetti from a cupboard and pored the contents into a bowl. He put it in the microwave for 2 minutes and while he was waiting he pushed himself up to sit on the counter next to his brother. They sat there patiently waiting for the spaghetti to finish.
When the microwave pinged to signal it had finished cooking the spaghetti, Eli jumped up in excitement, almost falling off the bench. Lalen caught him and pushed him further back on the counter with a smile.
He then hopped off the bench and went to the microwave. He pulled out the bowl and pored the contents into another bowl so it wasn't too hot for his brother to hold.
"Thanks." He smiled sweetly and began eating the spaghetti.
Lalen wandered off back into the dining room and sat down in one of the old chairs, in a trance with no urgency to pull himself out of it.
A few minutes passed and Eli called out his name and that he'd finished, causing him to snap out of his intense trance.
He hopped up off the chair and dashed to kitchen where Eli was sat on the counter with urgency on his face.
Lalen laughed at his adorable little brother and carefully lifted him down onto the ground.
He threw the empty bowl lightly into the sink and took Eli's hand, leading him back to the stairs. He switched the light off by the stairs and was about to start walking up when Eli tugged on his shirt.
"What?" Lalen looked down at his brother with a warm smile. Eli put up both his arms, indicating Lalen to carry him and he sighed and gave in.
"Okay. Come on." Lalen said with a grunt as he lifted his brother up and onto his hip.
He carried him effortlessly up the stairs and to his decorated blue room.
His light was on and several books were spread across his floor.
"How long were you up before you went downstairs, Eli?" Lalen asked him as he laid him down in bed, tucking his bed comforter in and up to his chin.
"I was reading for a bit, then I went downstairs." He grinned but Lalen just shook his head.
"Next time. If you wake up and want some help or need something and mum isn't here, come to me, okay? Not downstairs, or reading, just come to me." He ruffled his brothers hair and Eli nodded with smile.
"Goodnight Laley." He said sweetly. Lalen smiled and switched off the light.
"Goodnight, baby." He closed the door slightly and walked down the hallway to his room, passing Drew's as he did, noticing him in a deep sleep and intensely snoring, still laid on Kahlae's bed, Lalen was surprised as he'd changed into his bed clothes.
He walked into his own room and welcomed the bed as he fell down in a heap. He didn't care that he was still in his clothes from the day before as he snuggled down into his covers, falling, yet again, into a deep, restless sleep.

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