Broken Souls- Lucius Malfoy

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A story from ArtsyDeath

He will never forgive me, the words bounces inside her mind as Lucius presses her up against the office door, mouth hungry and devouring, one leg hitched up against him, tongue dragging against hers as she groans into it.

They're at a Ministry Ball arranged at the Malfoy Manor. Her husband had refused to go and Draco was in the middle of it as always, leaving her alone to socialise among people who wanted little to do with her.

It wasn't an excuse but-

He grinds against her, the heady smell of his cologne evident and consuming as she breathes in hard, pulling away from him as her head presses back and he wastes no time sealing his mouth over her bare throat, hands rucking her skirt up and pulling her underwear off before hefting her up with both legs around his waist.

She can feel the bulge of his erection through the pants, the rough fabric dragging against her clit and folds as he pushes up against her roughly, her back sliding against the door with every slow and heavy thrust, grinding her between the door and himself in a way that makes her stomach knot up, nails digging into his shirt, the heavy outer robes discarded on the floor where she'd impatiently pushed them off him.

His mouth is wet and warm, tongue deliciously rough where it drags against her sensitive skin, trailing down as he hoists himself against her and she's aware of the slick between her legs rubbing against the fabric of his dark slacks as she moans.

"What would your husband say if he could see you like this?" Lucius breathes against her skin, teeth dragging roughly over her collar bone.

"What would you wife say if she could see you ready to fuck a mudblood?" she challenges, twitching as he pushed against her hard, walls clenching down as the drag of his bulge through her folds, letting her really feel his hardness.

"Such filthy language," he groans. "I should punish you for that." He strains against her and she drags her nails down his back, worming herself more thoroughly around him to get her mouth over his ear, dragging her tongue over the shell to a hitch of his breath.

Yeah?" she breathes against it. "You want to see me bent over your knee Mr Malfoy?" She scrapes her teeth over his ear as he stutters against her. "Want to make me count for you?" she blows cool air against the wet skin, enjoying his shudder, grip tightening on her thighs.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" He hoists her up with one arm, reaching between them to free himself from his pants with a groan of relief. "But I'm going to fuck you and I'm going to come inside of you-" her breath hitches, "- and then, if you're begging me, I might allow you to come on my cock after I'm done filling you up so completely you'll never be able to take your husband again without thinking of me."

The broad head finds the entrance easily and she groans as it strains against her, pushing insistently until she opened up around him, swallowing him up into her warm depth to straining walls that clenched around him to pull him deeper until he was pushing up against her cervix with a jerk of his hips as he buried the last inch inside of her.

She swallows at the size of him - at the feel of a cock that wasn't her husband's forcing her to spread completely around him, shuddering at the knowledge of just who she was allowing inside of her to a curl of shame that turns to want as he pulls out, just a few inches, before pushing up back into her.

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