Chapter 29

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Skylar hugged her knees tighter to her chest. Never had she felt so alone, so worthless. A sergeant had told her she was on Picos Station and that Teegan had arrived hours ago. "He's alive," she said, consoling herself, wondering if he'd come by to see her. That unsettled feeling wouldn't leave her, not until she saw him with her own eyes. He wouldn't even have to speak with her, and he probably wouldn't. Teegan wouldn't risk associating with her, not given her crimes.

I'm a terrorist, she thought. The odd part about that statement was the knowledge that while she'd been working for terrorists as an information mule, unknowingly aiding them, in the end she proved to be quite adept at terrorism without being under the influence of any drugs. She almost laughed. For so long, she'd been worrying what type of person she was. No one had ever gotten close to her and stuck around very long. They always abandoned her, and now she knew why. She was a criminal, untrustworthy and undeserving of love. A criminal... she couldn't get used to the idea, though the possibility had plagued her for some time. At least now the images in her head made sense and she had facts instead of theories.

From what the guard had told her, Teegan was fighting on her behalf right now, trying to convince Dennison of the situation they were in. Either Teegan had his own definition of what constituted a terrorist, or he had a skewed view of the events. Regardless, his sense of honor would demand he do what he could to repay her for saving his life. He had an uphill battle ahead of him.

Days ago, she'd hacked the DSPS ship following them, a ship that Dennison had assigned to ensure she and Teegan did as they had promised – capture the Goldsmiths. Then she'd essentially highjacked the DNI network and probably scared the shit out of everyone in the DNI, not to mention the highest government authority in eight systems... Council. It didn't matter that she had turned over the code and released the DNI's system. Or that the failsafe she'd built had done nothing except deliver a packet of information to the DNI's systems analysts, providing them a copy of all the code she'd used so they could backtrack and fix the holes in their system. Good intentions meant nothing. Her actions, well they carried enough weight by which to hang her, literally.

No one would find her trust-worthy ever again, least of all Teegan. Hacking was second nature to her. It spoke to the person she was. Teegan didn't like to be lied to or deceived... he'd warned her early on, the second day after he'd kidnapped her. She'd thought him a criminal, yet it was she who was the criminal all along. Odd, how so much had changed in just a few weeks.

The hum of the cell door died. She almost didn't look up, except her body thrummed with excitement, knowing – against all logic – that he'd be there.

Teegan stood at the edge of the cell as the guard walked away. Every part of her wanted to run to him and throw her arms around him, to feel his strength, his courage, but she couldn't move.

His grey eyes already dark, watched her with trepidation as he stepped into the cell. As his eyes locked with hers, his face softened. Seeing that look on his face, the one that said he still cared, was worse than if he'd come in and scorned her.

"Princess?" he said, his voice cracking.

Skylar launched herself off the floor and into his arms. His arms encircled her, providing a well of strength she'd dipped her soul into but had never truly known before. He'd come back for her. Home... that one elusive word branded itself on her mind as he squeezed her tight. This man was home to her.

"I missed you," he said, burying his head in her neck.

Her legs gave out as everything caught up with her at once. He scooped her up, and she breathed in that familiar scent. He'd come for her! His rough whiskers scraping her cheek felt heavenly as he held her close. She didn't ask where he was taking her. Anywhere was fine, as long as they were together. She tucked her head against his shoulder, avoiding the bright lights and watchful eyes of the people they passed. She let her eyes close at last, happy to block out everyone except Teegan.

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