Chapter 36

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They cleaned up her wounds, let her shower, gave her fresh clothes and a hot meal. But no one would tell her what happened to Teegan. It was as if he never existed. Instead, they isolated her in a waiting room area of sorts, complete with guards. Only one doctor and one nurse had clearance to see her. She wasn't sure if she was a prisoner or what. No one would talk to her.

A tall man with close-cropped hair was speaking with her doctor across the room. He shook his head slightly, and her doctor, a short woman with an overabundance of freckles looked over her shoulder at Skyler, her face grim. They had to be discussing Teegan...

Tears welled in Skyler's eyes, but she wiped them away. She swore she wouldn't cry for him, not until they told her for sure that he was gone. Until then, she'd picture his smile, the way he'd quirk a single eyebrow, and the way he always had such faith in her.

"Ms. Byler," the officer said, walking towards her, his posture stiff but cordial. "I'm Colonel Wicks. We have a lot to talk about. Follow me."

She followed him out into the sunshine. Only one guard trailed them. A gentle breeze tossed her hair, and she thought of how Teegan always seemed to be tucking a wayward strand behind her ear. The memory made her smile. He'd been right, she didn't need the memories the Yerke had taken from her. Why did he go back in for that stupid NX3?

... he'd done it for her. Damn him!

Wicks motioned her past a few buildings that looked more office-like than military, though she was sure they were on a military installation given all the men and women in military clothing and ships landing on a regular basis. At least they hadn't cuffed or treated her like the enemy, though that could change depending on what they wanted of her. They already destroyed a key terrorist installation and found a mole in the DSPS.

And lost a good man... her mind screamed. She needed to focus, not let her thoughts stray. Once she started to cry for Teegan, there'd be nothing to stop her... no... she wasn't going to think like that.

The building he led her to said Military Intelligence above the doors. Wicks wore the same uniform of Sergeant Halsey on the planet, so he was Ops, not Intelligence. He was taking her to interrogation.

Through more than one security checkpoint, including one pat down, she followed Wicks into a large room with individual offices lining the back wall and nearly twenty men and women working at individual computers in the room's center. As they walked past the analysts, many gawked and whispered until Wicks ordered them back to work. Still, their eyes followed her as Wicks motioned her into one of the offices. The glass door and walls offered no privacy from their stares.

Aside from a long dark green couch with a white fluffy throw over the back, there weren't too many personal touches. There was a photo of a dog, and another of a man, but nothing else. Her fingers slid over the computer keyboard, itching to go online and dig for information, namely about Teegan. She snapped her fingers back, realizing Wicks probably didn't trust her to touch a computer. Few did. She glanced up at him. He'd been watching her every move, but said nothing.

"Will you be asking or answering the questions today, Colonel?" she asked as he closed the door. The whispers and white noise of the office disappeared as the door clicked shut.

"Both. Have a seat, Byler," he said, his tone commanding.

Again, she really wished she could do that eyebrow lift that Teegan had down so well. She sat on the edge of the sofa. "Is Teegan..." she swallowed, the word, the idea hard to fathom let alone say out lout. "...dead?"

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