Chapter 5: Sam and Oriana

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Sam's fingers hovered over the next page. Though she didn't have to read it, a strange pull urged her on. Oriana's experiences seemed to echo in her own heart, blurring the lines between their lives. Was this a genuine connection, or was Sam simply losing herself in Oriana's narrative? Unable to resist, she turned the page, eager to delve deeper...


January 2, 1860

That night, I couldn't sleep. Not that I was afraid of blending with Jolinar. What that Jedi allowed me to experience was something so wonderful. I can't describe it; this will be my first time to blend with a Tok'ra. How exciting!

Jolinar's memories transcended mere experiences; they held the essence of a single person. Across countless hosts, this was the first time I felt such a distinct presence. Why did this one resonate so deeply? The answer remains a mystery. Perhaps it's because this individual was destined for me, a reason for our connection to bridge the possible future Jolinar mentioned. Intriguingly, this person feels out of sync with the timeline, perhaps even from a future yet unseen.

Rosha claims to hail from a distant past, a notion I can grasp. But the future? That's uncharted territory. The very concept feels alien, a reality I never dared to consider. Yet, here I stand, face-to-face with a supposed visitor from a time yet to come. One detail lingers: Samantha Carter O'Neill. A female name, a whisper of the future, and a yearning to unravel the secrets it holds.


Sam's face nearly dropped off. "How can she know my name before I was born and have my married name also? Not even the Force is that powerful to know the future since the Force was in its infancy stage. Just the same, it's written in Oriana's handwriting in 1860. This has to be a dream."

"It isn't, Sam. For some reason, your name has been given."

"What the hell is going on! Talk to me."

"I could tell you all, but you should read it right from these Journals. Questions running through your head will all be answered and more — right from Oriana. I didn't write in these books at all. This all came from her." Jolinar was quiet for a moment then continued, "Sam, you need to read these journals before any of you can adventure into the World Beneath."

"Does this mean I should share this with the others?"

"What you share is up to you and how much. The more you read these journals the more you will understand."

"Dammit! You aren't putting me through a mystery game through your words. You of all people know I hate that."

"I'll never do that to you. If I told you more, then it wouldn't make any sense to you."

"I see my full married name in a journal entry of January 2, 1860. That isn't making any sense to me! It's also scaring the complete crap out of me. How can Oriana know about me, 149 years ago?"

Jolinar's lips were sealed. The solution, she realized, lay hidden within these very pages. Unlike others who craved the comfort of a preordained story, Jolinar thrived on discovery. She knew Samantha intimately, and the thrill of piecing together the puzzle from the journals was far more rewarding than any premonition.


January 5, 1860

Jolinar and I blended the next day after we had another extensive chat. I wanted to wait a few days to have something to write about. The past three days to get my mind around. Jolinar had more experiences than I could ever realize. Before we blended, I asked her about Samantha Carter O'Neill. I wasn't surprised at all. She didn't give me any information. What Jolinar told me, I had to learn about her on my own.

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