Chapter 9: Change of heart

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The honey-yellow sun peered perfectly through the trees, landing on Hyunjin's pretty faces as we walked side by side in complete silence.

I wanted to ask him, why the sudden change of heart?

But I couldn't.

He led me towards his car and we sat down, once again in silence.

Until I broke it.

"So...where exactly are we going?" I asked confused and dazed as to why he wasn't talking. Although I knew he wasn't the type, I knew he would've said something by now.

I heard him laugh before speaking up to reply.

"Patience is key princess..."

Princess? I couldn't help but feel my face heat up as the words left his mouth.

But I shook off the feeling, he probably meant nothing by it at all.

He looked at me and smiled a little.

The boy is just too much. He's confusing as hell don't get me wrong at all but I love him in many little ways.

Like the time when him and Seungmin were fighting over who was going to be the first to date me.

Or even the time when I was sick and he wouldn't let me get out of bed or anything because he wanted to do everything for me.

Thinking about it now, this was all in the past before everything changed between us and became all complicated.

I wonder what ever happened to change it.

Why he became so cold and obnoxious towards us and not even talking or explaining how he truly felt inside to us.

Like he used to. Like he wants to.

"Are you ok there? You zoomed out for a bit." Hyunjin asked with a hint of worry laced in his voice.

I just nodded my head awaiting our arrival.


"What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!" Jeongin shouted across the room at Felix who death stared back at him.

"What? You deserved it."

"You didn't have to beat the song lyrics into me!"

"Yes I did, you're just not as intellectual as me and I think I should've hit you with a TV not a pillow so stop crying over it you stupid little shi-"

"LANGUAGE PLEASE CHILDREN!!" Chan shouted at the blond boy with a shoe in his hand.

Felix dropped the shoe and Jeongin sat upwards.

"Please don't swear." Woojin added calmly.


"Oh shut up Jisung!" Changbin screamed out, obviously annoyed at the younger boy's obnoxious attitude as he kicked his back.

"Changbin, maybe you should shut the fuc-" Chan covered Felix's mouth before any profanities were processed clearly enough to distinguish.

"What do you thing Hyunjin and Chaeyeon are doing right now?" Seungmin asked, his voice slightly inaudible as he spoke every word.

"Who knows what they are doing, must be something interesting like a date!" Jisung shouted once again this time receiving a slap to the face from Changbin.

Minho sat up at the thought.

"Hell no! He better not be on a date with my sister because if he is, he is gonna be dead meat when I see him."

"What if I told you that they are in a date?" Woojin started wiggling his eyebrows dramatically.



Everyone laughed. Everyone except Seungmin who had been wearing a frown on his beautiful face.

It was a very rare occasion seeing him frown but no one understood his melancholy.


We walked down the beach hand in hand as we watched the sun set. I had to admit it, it felt a bit odd at first as to why he didn't ignore me today but I couldn't help but remain curious.

So I asked him.

"Why are you suddenly being so nice to me?"

He remained silent for a while.

"I... I actually don't know why myself." He sounded frustrated.

"Change of heart I guess..."

It shattered pieces of my heart I didn't know existed.

If this is love, why does it feel so one sided?

If This Is love Hwang Hyunjin Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now