Chapter 13:Enemity Arises

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I was accompanied by Hyunjin, Minho and Chan as we made our way down the hall.

As I passed my locker, I couldn't help but smile over the reminiscent ordeal that had occurred on that one fateful day which would forever leave a permanent imprint in my mind.

I just couldn't fathom how time had passed by in a frenzy of seconds which only seemed endless to me.

To think that when I first met the boy I now call my boyfriend was my opponent whom I had a rather obvious distaste too is a memory worth reminiscing.

He is this reason as to why I find peace and happiness in this cruel world that continuously emits its rays of pure malignancy against every living particle that dares stepping against it.

Chan and Minho decided to get some linch for themselves as Hyunjin and I scanned the cafeteria to look for a table.

Whilst I was scanning the remaining areas, my eyes fixated themselves on something.

On someone.

There he was.

That same brown haired boy that I cared dearly for, sat at "The Popular Table" with Somin (who practical threw herself at him), with her arms wrapped around his neck possessively.

They were so close to each other that their faces were uncomfortably angled as Somin pulled him against her when Seungmin had made an unsuccessful attempt at trying to get away from her.

I must have been observing him for far to long because a couple seconds later his brown eyes. now dull without life, linked with mine.

I felt a rough tug at my hand as I looked up and saw Hyunjin glaring at the younger boy from across the room before he picked me up and placed me lightly on a free table.

He just put his head in mine before I broke the silence.

"Hyunjin, please don't be upset you I know I never want to hurt you."

The dark hair boy looked at me and smiled warmly with heart felt compassion.

"Yeah I know. I just didn't like the way he looked at you, You're mine don't forget that."

I hugged him and softly kissed his check and watched his lips twist up into a cute smile.


I observed the way Chaeyeon made Hyunjin smile, the way she touched him, the way she kissed him and I hated it.

I hated it all.

I hate how she walked in with that stupid smile painted on her face I mean why would someone like Hyunjin go for someone like her?

Why would he go for my pathetic excuse of a woman cousin?

I have it all, looks, body, brain, personality, intellect and yet he goes for my little cousin?!

This is an outrage that I simply won't stand for!

I'm going to make her pay and for once Chaeyeon won't be the first choice and I won't stop until she's out of the picture.



I'd be lying if I said that I'm completely ok with what I'm doing.

Whether it be what I'm doing with Hyunjin, Somin, Chaeyeon or even myself.

I just don't know what I'm doing anymore and it's eating me up alive...

I'm so fucking pathetic for even thinking for a second that pushing her away is a good idea but I'm already here, I've jumped into the deep end without a life jacket and nothing can help me out not unless I help myself out.

Just hearing the comments from Chan and Minho from behind me just confirmed that what I was doing was completely messed up.

But I made a promise didn't I?

I will do EVERYTHING to have Chaeyeon even if that means that I lose myself as a result of it.

"Aww...Look at them~" Chan cooed placing a hand on his heart.

"They're just so cute that my soft Australian heart can't take anymore. It might just explode from cuteness overload."

Minho looked at the older boy in disgust before hitting his shoulder and rolling his eyes.

"Yeah they're whatever I guess...but we all know that I'm cuter then anything or anyone that has ever existed and that's the real tea."

Jeongin creeped up from behind them with a pout displayed on his face.

"Then what about me?"

"Sorry dude I claimed the title as Mr Cutie long before you were even born."


I went up to my locker to get something when I felt a searing pain in my left hand when my locker door was slammed roughly on my hand.

I hissed our in pain and somehow had managed to free my now bleeding hand.

"Hey! What the hell was that for!"

"What do you think you dumb bitch? seriously are more of a plebeian then I had thought."

A familiar voice filled my ears. A voice that I grew to has a disdainment towards. A voice that could only belong to one person.

Lee Somin.

"Stay away from MY man!" 

I looked up into my cousins eyes which were full of rage and enmity, radiating nothing but pure malice, pure malice for ME.

"I haven't been anywhere near Seungmin so chill you psycho!"

"Oh just shut it! I meant Hyunjin I don't want you to be anywhere near him like the little parasite you are! Seriously did you really think that he was into ugly trolls like you? Get over yourself bimbo!"

She spat out every word harshly almost as if it was laced with venom.

Tears started to prick my eyes but I didn't let my emotions get the best of me and remained somber as she continued on her irrelevant rant.

"He probably only wants you for your pathetic excuse of a body. Heck! Now that I think about it, you probably paid him didn't you?"

I really couldn't believe what I was hearing from my own flesh and blood. I knew she could be a petty bitch but not to this extent.

But there's one thing that she nor anyone else knows about me.

I'm far worse then she is.

I stepped closer to her, getting close and personal to her face before going off.

"Listen up you irrelevant bitch, I don't know if you even decided to read school rules but I'm 100% sure that there's no dogs allowed on the premises so you're gonna have to leave."

She scoffed at me before vigorously rolling her eyes.

"Keep rolling your eyes maybe you'll find a brain back there if you're really lucky."

"Who the hell do you think you are trying to insult me on my court honey?!?"

"Oh girl I'm not insulting you I'm describing you. Just because you have nothing better going on in life with your melodramatic ass, does not mean that you have the right to take your anger out on other people. Oh and by the way, shrek called and he said he wanted his face back."

"Woah hey, what's going on here?" Changbin came out of nowhere with a confused Hyunjin following behind him.

"Aye people that's my girl! You go girlie roast a bitch!" I couldn't help but smile at Jisung cheering for me as Felix slapped him.

"Dude are you drunk on H2O or something? Cuz you need to chill you chipmunk."

Seungmin looked at the scene before him unfold before he decided to get rid of Somin before I did any more damage to her ego.

Hyunjin slyly smiled at me.

"Never knew you had that in you babe, I should get you angry more often."

My cheeks heated up and he laughed at my reaction.

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