Chapter 12~ Deals and Understandings

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"Sooooo...What do you say?"

I looked up to see Somin who had a serious expression painted on her delicate features.

She had just brought up the possibly certified proposition of pretending to hook up so that we could take vengeance against two people who both shared animosity against.

You see, Somin may or may not have had an endless abyss of love and admiration for Hyunjin and only ever wanted to get with him.

As a result, here I am being used as bait for her own foolish games.

However, this isn't child's play, I also have a bargain in my end though it's irrational it could have the needed effect.

It's just a hook up it won't mean anything to me, the only reason I'm doing this is so that I can finally see if Chaeyeon really cares enough to be rendered heartbroken at the thought of me being with another female.

A female she despises with every bone in her body that is.

I bit my lower lip in aggravation and furrowed my brows slightly, knitting them together in a frenzy of confusion and understanding.

I sighed in defeat. I mean it's not likely that it's going to get any better from here anyway but may it be that this is the only chance I have to make Chaeyeon mine...I will take it in a heartbeat.

"Fine. I'll do it. You got yourself a deal."

I watched in serenity as the girl with the Raven coloured hair stood before me, her full lips taking form into a maliciously sadistic smirk.

I mentally face palmed myself.

Why do I get myself in these situations.

"I knew it wouldn't take much persuading to sway you my way. I mean it's not surprising considering how every guys wants me."

Somin twirled around as if to put on an unnecessary show.

When she flipped her long, lustrous hair and winked at me I swear to god I could've puked right there and then on her very ugly pair of Gucci shoes.

"Don't get it twisted dumbass, I don't like you, I never liked you nor will I ever like you. You don't have any position in my life other then being that one pain in the ass that just won't go away so don't get your hopes up sweetheart especially considering you're not my type."

I could tell she was taken aback as I harshly spit my words but I was not willing to build anything on lies so my best policy was to tell the truth even if she found it devastating.

Right now I felt nothing but heartache, misery, despondency; I felt as if I was walking bare foot in a river of fire.

Everything I did was precarious and minacious to my well being. I'm completely unstable and the only think I'm living off of is the feeling of revenge and animosity.


I stood outside on the now desolate bridge in complete silence as I stared down at the bottom of the deep blue sea. (If you get the reference I love you)

I watched from afar as the lights from cars and apartment buildings dimmed one by one.

This is life. We're all born into the light and we experience so many things in whatever time it is that we have but like ever light, slowly but surely we all dim.

We all dim into nothingness. We simply become erratic in what it is that we do, no longer feeling the energy or suppressing the urge of teetering on the edge of disparity.

One our light goes out, we go out along with it.

I'm so confused as to how it is that I should behave or what it is that I should feel or do at this point.

I have 2 lovely individuals who have loved me and cared for me in their own ways but here I am claiming that I care for them and yet I continue to hurt them.

When I'm with Hyunjin I just feel fuzzy inside. I feel so safe and protected. I feel as if no one can get me and hurt me as long as I have him. He does stupid things and with that I will agree but somehow, his stupidity makes me laugh and makes me so happy that I feel as if my cheeks will slide off of my face from smiling so much.

But...with Seungmin it's so different. I feel so comfortable. He allows me the space to be myself and make the choices that I want as long as I'm happy. If I'm sad he'll always be the first one to pick me up and cheer me on. I just feel so supported and cared for that it makes me realise that Seungmin is truly a blessing that has been sent to me and for what?

For what cause has ended up with me for?

He's an angel and I play with his feelings.

"Geez...I'm a terrible person aren't I? All this time I've been messing up lives and making myself out to be the dainty little princess who just wants help and attentions from everyone."

I choke on my words as tears pool up in my eyes threatening to fall out.

I continue to talk to no one, venting out my frustrations and true thoughts, the air releasing smoke from how cold the weather is.

"Why? Why me? Why do I have to be the person to ruin lives? Am I really just so stupid that all this time I've made myself out to be the victim?!"

I screamed out in desperation as tears began to fall out of my eyes like an unstoppable waterfall.

At this point I didn't even care about keeping my composure. I realised all the trouble I had cause and all the heartbreak for the people who didn't deserve it.

"I'm a horrible person...maybe it would just be bette right I wasn't here then maybe...just maybe it wouldn't mean that they would fight for someone as fucked up and flawed as me."


The fragile and broken girl poured her eyes out and didn't notice anyone coming up from behind her.

A pair of strong and comforting arms wrapped around her and pulled her closer.

Chaeyeon knew who this was just by the gentleness of the touch.

She looked up and saw Hyunjin who just silently stared down at her with tears in his beautiful brown eyes.

The older boy tilted her chin slightly, his thumb tracing the bottom of Chayeon's lips before kissing her passionately.

This wasn't a normal kiss and they both knew it. He kissed her like she was the only one in the whole world, he kissed her as if his life depended on it.

He stepped backwards a bit before before narrowing his eyes firmly on hers.

"Don't you ever say that again! You mean so much to me and I don't know what I could ever do without you."

Hyunjin's voice broke as he spoke, the boy clearly shattered and heartbroken at the thought of Chaeyeon ever saying those things about herself.

"Everything about you is perfect the way it is and I don't want to have to lose another person. You're the only reason that I've been trying to see good in myself so don't you dare think it would be better without you because I will kill you myself!"

Hyunjin pulled her closer and hugged her tightly and to his surprise, she didn't pull away.

Instead she simply held onto him as if he were her prized possession and she cried once more.

This time not because of pain but because of happiness.

She felt safe again and loved in his arms like no other.

If this is love, why am I so focused on denial?

If This Is love Hwang Hyunjin Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now