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Jay's POV

"Hurry up, slow poke. we're going to miss the movie!" I exclaimed to Sara before grabbing her hand and pulling her with me. She yawned still in her sleeping shorts and glared at me.

"Why in the world did we have to go to a movie at eight o clock in the morning?" she snarled and i laughed.

"Jayne put me in  charge of you for the day and Ive been dying to see this movie so hurry up."

Sara groans and picks up her pace soon we were at the movie theatre. Avengers 2 was blinking in front of us and i squealed.


Sara rolled her eyes. "You pulled me out of bed so you could watch Avengers 2? you didnt even let me brush my hair!!"

I rolled my eyes and ignored my friend. walking up to the ticket booth a slapped a twenty euro down.

"two tix to the Avengers" i announced.

the girl popped her gum and gestured to the blinking sign. "Sold out." she popped again and my eyes widened in disbelief.

"Sold out?"

"Yes sir come back tomorrow."

then she went back to her phone and gum chewing. i felt like bursting into tears but i shall try the flirt approach. i leaned against the counter and winked at the girl about four years younger then me.

"Hey, babe, cant you at least try to get me a ticket. Im with The Wanted."

"The who?"

My heart broke in a million pieces. she has got to be joking.

"The boy band The Wanted? we are in all the magazines. i won sexiest vegetarian." she looked at me dumbfounded and i sighed. shot. down.

"I'll just have two tix to Ice Age." i mumbled and the girl smiled.

"Good choice one of my favorite songs, Chasing the Sun, is performed on it. tre cool."

My mouth dropped but Sara grabbed my arm. "Jay, dont forget it." she whispered and i sighed taking my ticket and heading into the theater.

What is that girl smoking?

we made our way into the dark theatre, a bag of popcorn set in between us. the comercials were rolling and i settled down ready to watch the movie i have seen like a million times.

The lights went completely out and i felt Sara put her head on my arm, yawning. the movie began.

about twenty minutes in i was getting restless.

i had already went to the bathroom twice, woken Sara up four times, spoke the lines in the movie to annoy the other movie watchers sixteen times, and ate two boxes of buttery popcorn. Sara was getting restless too since she wasnt sleeping any more. i turned to her.

"Wanna play the popcorn game?" i asked.

Sara's eyes lit up and she nodded. i smiled grabbing my flip and turning it on. i handed it to Sara and cleared my throat.

"Hey Sara and i are watching Ice age and getting quite restless so we are going to play a game. yes i know two games in one week Jay what are you thinking? well i dont think so here are the rules. five points if you hit Manny, ten points if you hit Diego, fiften if you hit Sid or Granny Sid, and twenty five points if you hit Captain Guts right between his soulless eyes. you people at home record our points and tell us who is the winner, first correct reply gets a free Ice Age tshirt that i have in my car because i stole it from the studio."

Sara giggled and someone screaned at us to hush but we didnt listen. instead we started to throw popcorn at the screen. i

was absolutely terrible but Sara was doing a terrific job hitting the captain between the eyes everytime. I started to get loud and people were complaining because the butter was smearing the screen.

Finally we were asked to leave.

we waved good bye at the camera and made our way out of the theatre. tonight i need to put together our Wanted Wednesday video and this little game is so going on it as well as The Dare Off.

sara and Olivia has made this week quite interesting.         

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