Stupid Tom Parker

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Olivia's POV

I sat at the airport dreading get on the plane but can't wait to leave. I had not slept a wink and had stayed here all night hoping to hurry the plane. It didn't instead it was going to be on time.

I couldn't help but think about Tom. I had been in love with him before we met and he didn't even know and he never will. I had all his personal interviews, gigs, photoshoots, and songs on my phone. I even downloaded his favorite song just so I could say I knew it.

And then I met him. He was everything I had him figured out to be; sexy, charming, flirtatious, funny, cocky, smart, talented, and a first degree asshole. He was the guy I had dreamt about. Yes, he was my favorite member and he knew that but he was also my dream guy. The guy I wish I had but never could.

Then in an istant he crushed my heart tore it to pieces and left me in a way I had never felt before. I had been cheated before by two other guys. I've been hurt by, picked on, dissed, ridiculed, assaulted, and dumped by boyfriends before but i had never felt like this. i had never cried over a guy.

So why am I crying now? we had only been together for about a week and he had already cheated on me and brought tears to my eyes. he had been my shortest relationship and i loved him, love him, with every breath in my body.

Tom broke my heart.

"All boarding for Chicago please make your way for gate three."

I stood up. I told him I was going home but I wasn't.

First of all there is the fact that my sister would be on the plane. I would have to explain to her why I was there and what happened and she'd feel pity for me and tell me to go back, to not end it like i did. Which is bull crap. I love my sister and she is probably right but I just want to forget not reminesce.

Second I didnt want to go home. I have decided that i could get lost in the big city of Chicago and disappear. Home is small and people will ask questions, questions I don't feel like answering just yet. Chicago I know no one at all.

And Chicago leaves in twenty minutes.

"All boarding for Chicago go to gate three. thank you."

I grabbed my bags and headed that way. Tears dried on my face and I took a deep shaky breath.

Stupid London.

Stupid airplane.

Stupid bet.

Stupid Tom Parker.

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