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Hey everyone:) I hope you guys enjoy the book. Thank you for choosing to read this book. P.S this books chapters will be really short max about 1000 words on each chapter. Also I think that there will only be another author's note at the end of the book.

I was about to leave my
apartment, when I remembered I forgot to carry my lunch to school. I step outside and I'm greeted by the cold snowy breeze of Chicago.

Ashley, Ashley wait up!

I turn around and I see that weird girl again Maya I think. We met at a library and she always waved at me when she saw me at school.

"What do you want?".

" I thought i told you to stay away from me."

" I just thought that you could use a friend she says and smiles sweetly."

" Do i look like some fucking charity girl to you?? You better stay away from me or else next time I see you all of your teeth will be out. "

"Uh- uh- uh, uhhm I'm sorry Ashley."

The girl says and runs off. I don't feel bad at all about what I did. I like to be alone. Okay well not like I don't think there's anyone who actually likes being alone its just safer that way. Being alone is the best thing to do, nobody can hurt you in that way. I would rather be safe then sorry.

I get to school and head to my locker to get my books for first period. When i hear them giggle. By them I mean queen bitch Victoria and her little minions, whatever the hell their names were. Truth is nobody really cares.

"Oh would you look at that?"

"Poor little worthless Ashley has arrived, Victoria says."

" How are you doing today dumpster?"

"Dumpster", I repeat confused.

"Oh well you know because your apartments kinda in the dumps and did I mention how pathetic you are?"

" Just like your face Vicky?", i smirk at her.

"Wait until I tell Derek",she squeals. "Your face is going to be in the wrong place." ,she adds.

Derek was Victoria's boyfriend he was a thug and way older than her. I really wondered what she saw in him.

She often called him to beat me up because she knew I could take her down.

I was walking to my history class when I spot someone I haven't seen before. I put my black hoody on and cover as much of my face as i could. My black hoody was something i couldn't do with out. It made me feel safe and i wouldn't see anyone stare at me which people did alot. I was the freak of the high school although it hasn't always been that way.

I reach my class and take a seat. I'm early as usual because I don't really have any friends to stand with in the hallways and chat to. I liked it that way. Since I was early I take out my set of ear phones and stick them in my ears. The teacher walks in 10 minutes later and i notice the new face from earlier.

"Good morning to you all",Mr Clerk says.
"Today we have a new student Josh Peterson,please welcome him and be nice."

" Josh you may take a seat next to Ashley,the girl with the green eyes", Mr Clerk says and points to me.

" Hmm",is all I say and roll my eyes.

" Let's get back to our books shall we? Who can tell me about world war 2? Who started the war? When did it occur? "Mr Clerk notices my ear phones and thinks I'm not paying attention to him. Well I wasn't because I know these things.

" Miss Ear phones in black why dont you do the honours?"

" Sure",I say and smirk.

"Well sir world war 2 was started by the British in 1939.",I state

"Hmmm you are correct",Mr Clerk says with a surprised face.

"What was the black death and when, where and how did this take place Ashley?",asks Mr Clerk

"Black death was a deadly disease that devastated throughout Europe in the 14th century by fleas.This plague first broke out in China and other parts of Asia in early 14th century. It spread to Europe by merchant ships infested with rats. The fleas lived on the black rats. The rats jumped onto ships and were brought to Europe. The fleas on these rats then spread the bubonic plague. Once bitten by a flea carrying the bacteria that cause bubonic plague ,the victim became very ill with high fever, vomiting. After three to seven days swelling appeared under the armpits n in the groin area. These swellings or bubles grew to the size of an egg n turned black or purple.
This is what gave the bubonic plague the name black death
The person died soon after the swelling appeared. "

"Impressive!",shouts Mr Clerk

"Bravo!" Mr Clerk says and just then the bell rings signalling history was over. I had a few classes with Josh but i wasn't interested in him although he often stared alot at me.

It was last period and we had English literature. Surprisingly Josh was in this class too. He actually sat right behind me.

" Hey" ,he whispers.

I ignore him, feeling no interest in speaking to him.

"Are you deaf ?", he asks and taps my shoulder.

I pull off my hoody and turn around muttering a harsh cold "WHAT!"

" woah you have amazing eyes",he says.

"Phssst yeah right.",I reply

" I'm Josh."

" I know" is all I say.

I know I'm a bitch but trust me it was never always like this, pain makes people change I guess.

The bell rings and i rush out so that I can make it on time to the cafe I work at. Yep what can I say, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to survive. I'm walking to the cafe when I hear a sound of a American muscle engine approaching behind me. I move off the road when I realise its trying to kill me. The jump causes me to land on my chest. I see a window slide down and Derek sticks his ugly head out of the window.

"That's what you get for messing with my girl you stinky bitch."

"Fuck you Derek."

I see Derek get out of the car and for a second i regret saying what I just did.

Derek takes out a pocket knife and does some horrific laugh that sends shivers down my spine. He grabs my wrist and slits it. Leaving me standing there with blood to pour down my wrist. Derek gets back into his car and drives away. I feel a sting on my arm but I ignore the pain, little did I know there were many more similar ones to make their way on my wrist.

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