Chapter 10:when you think it cant get worst!

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Sleeping was a horrible idea! Well it always is. I push the bad memories away and start to get ready for school.

I'm all done and start the engine of my baby and race to school. Well "loner race" how hilarious right?I just love skylines they bring back so much good memories. Andrew loved them more then I did.

I put on my black hoodie before stepping inside the school. I could still feel the eyes of all the serpents around me. I hear the whispers that came out of their poisonous mouths and I feel the shiver it sends down my spine. I wasn't as strong as I pretended to be,I wasn't as bold as I seemed to be,the fangs of all the hurtful things people said still pierced my heart and the venom from those words drained my soul.

I make it past the corridor and make my way to my chemistry class. I see pictures of me all around the classroom. Did I mention it was naked pictures of me. I do not have any tears left in my eyes so i do not cry but I am not saying it did not hurt me because i would be lying if i said that. Lessons fly by and before I know it,its lunch time. I head to the back of the cafeteria and sit down there. I look at the other tables and notice that I'm the only one thats alone. My black hoodie made me feel safe.

Just then I see Josh walking towards me, I get up and start to walk away. Josh grabs me by my arm. Ash...I'm so sorry. Josh please, your face is not what I want to see right now it causes more pain to my heart. Ashley please! The whole cafeteria is staring at us right now. I opened up to you Josh! It might have not been a big deal to you but it was to me. You disgust me, you fucking disgust me! I hate you and you are nothing but a piece of thrash.

Ashley thats not fair, please just wait I beg of you! That's when I swing and my fist lands on his nose causing blood to drip down it. I hear the crowd gasp but it effected me in no way. I look at Josh with the most deadliest glare, "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME,ASSHOLE."

Saved by the bell,I start walking to my next class. Only to be pushed into the lockers by queen bitch. How wonderful,right?

"What do you want plastic face?"

" Plastic face is better then whore!"She says.

That's when my blood starts to boil,and I put my hand on her neck and slam her against the lockers.

"Listen here you filthy bitch, if there's anyone that's a whore its you."

"Now tell me did you fucking enjoy posting that picture? Did you?"

I squeeze harder and see that her face changes colour due to lack of oxygen.

Speak up!!!

Ittt kkkkhhh wasss....

"Who was it Victoria???"

"Who posted that picture??"


I let go of her and she gasps for air. "What do you mean Josh?"

"I don't believe you"

" Oh it was him alright, see for yourself."

She takes out her phone and I am trying to read the words displayed on the hoe's device. I read it I'm just trying to change it and replace Josh's name with Victoria's or anyone. Just not Josh, not him!

I walk out of there tears in my eyes,a shiver on my lips and a squeeze in my chest. The pain in my heart made lumps in my throat that I tried to swallow. I fell to the ground on my knees and i decide to let out what i have been holding. I scream, scream as loud as i could. I cried, I actually cried. You know the type of crying that makes your lip shiver and leaves you breathless. The type of crying that leaves you gasping for air.

The feeling when everything goes silent and cold.

"You should really report whoever did this to you."

I look up and see Maya, the girl that always tried to talk to me. It's not like I didn't know Maya. I just pretend as if I don't remember her as if the accident made me lose parts of my memory. The truth is I know Maya very well and she knows me better than anyone does.

"Look... I don't  know why you are even talking to me, I told you to stay away from me."

"You did, I didn't listen." she says with a playful smirk on her face.

"I don't want to report it or file a case against whoever did this,it will just cause a scene."


"But nothing Maya, thanks for your concern I must leave now."

Just like that I turn around and walk away from Maya. She was right I probably should have reported it but I just didn't want to hear anymore about that incident.

I mean I feel like a piece of my soul was destroyed and I just don't want to hear more about it.

It's my fault though, I knew that Josh was never to be trusted yet I did not listen to my brain instead i listened to that stupid heart of mine that didn't know what the hell it was doing. How could he do this? I really thought he was my friend. I hate to say this but I am really hurt right now.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worst, it did.

It got worst...

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