Chapter 1

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"Come on Butt head! pitch already!" I yell to DeNunez.
"Okay,okay chill Sam!" He laughs. Benny starts walking over.
"You guys have been yelling at each other like this for hours! Other people wanna play ya know!" I can tell that he's actually starting to get irritated. He's been having a bad attitude lately. I drop the bat.
"Calm down, Rodriguez. What's up with you?You've been acting like a crabby old grinch lately." I say.
"Ugh nothin is wrong! Now just play!" He throws his hat on the ground and stomps away. Ha. Anger issues. DeNunez finally pitches and I swing and hit it over the fence. I run the bases and all the boys groan and walk off the field.
All I've been doing today is hitting home runs and the boys are getting tired of it. I laugh as I walk over to the dugout where the boys are drinking water. Benny glares at me and I glare back, mockingly. I don't know what's wrong with him. I go and sit next to him.
"Boy, what's your problem?" I ask him. He jokingly slams down his water bottle. I roll my eyes. DeNunez comes and sits next to me. He puts his arm around my shoulders and laughs. "He's just having one of his daily temper tantrums." I look over at DeNunez and say, "yeah, he's on his man period or something." Benny narrows his eyes at Me.
"That's not true." He says as he hands me a water. I chug it down in seconds.
"I really don't wanna go to school tomorrow." I say, changing the subject all of a sudden.
Tomorrow is the first day back to school from summer break.
"Who does?" Bertram scoffs. I shrug my shoulders. We talk for a few more minutes then we decide to all go home because we had school the next day. I arrive at my house and open the front door. My mom is asleep and Smith, my step dad, is sitting at the desk on the computer.
"Hey Smith, I say. With out looking at me he answers
"Hey." I stand there for a few more seconds to see if he's going to say anything else but he doesn't. So I walk up the Stairs to my room. As soon as I enter, I pass out on my bed and fall into a deep sleep.

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