Chapter 7

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    I still had 4 more days of my suspension. Those flew by in a flash and soon, on Monday morning, I was back at school. Benny meet me at my locker. This was the first time I've seen him since the whole jail incident.
    "Oh Benny, am I'm glad to see you," I say. "It's only been 4 days," He chuckles.
  "Yeah 4 days too long," I say as I close my locker.
   "So, ready for math?" I ask him as we walk to class.
     "No," he says. I laugh. "Has anyone ever told you that your terrible at it?" I joke. He shakes his head and laughs.
     "No, for real, your like the worst at it. Remember that one time when-" he cuts me off.
     "We don't talk about that one time," he warned. I smirk. As we walk to class, Andrew appears beside me and I jump.
      "What's up, Sam?"
    "Andrew! Dude you can't scare me like that," I say, trying to catch my breath. He smirks.  
      "So, I wanted to know if you want to go bowling after school today?" He asks. My face lights us.
     "Sure! I love bowling," I say. He smiles.  
      "Well see ya there then," and he walks off. Benny looked annoyed.
     "So... bowling huh?" He asks annoyed.  
    "What? You jealous or something?" I asks him, only joking but he didn't take it as a joke.  
     "No! It's just-just.....Nothing never mind " He says defensively.
      "Calm down, I'm only joking." I say. He huffs and rolls his eyes. We walk into the classroom and sit at our tables. I sit at a table with Benny (What luck), Jessica, and one of my least favorite people in the world, Mackenzie. Today we had a group project and Mackenzie was acting like she was the boss of the whole thing, when she really didn't know what the heck she was talking about.
    Benny and the boys are still friends with her, even though they know that I hate her.
     "No, no, no! That's not how you do it," Mackenzie screamed at me while I was writing something down. I slam the pencil down and look up at her.
    "Ok then, I'm done. You go and do all the work your self and see what kind of grade we'll get, cause we all know that you get all A's!" I say sarcastically. I throw the pencil to her and stand up to leave when Jessica pulls me back down.
     "Hey, calm down. She's not worth it," she says giving Mackenzie a look. I cross my arms and glare at Mackenzie. Benny rolls his eyes. I roll my eyes back at him.
     "What's wrong now, huh?" I ask him in an annoyed tone.
      "Nothing," he mumbled and turns back around to talk to Mackenzie. I huff as I put my head in my arms on the desk.
     "You Alright?" I hear Jessica ask me.
     "No," i grumble.
    "Benny's just probably in a bad mood, ya know," she says. I lift up my head to look at her.
     "You think that I'm upset because of Benny?" I say. She hesitates.
     "Well.. Yeah, I mean he's taking Mackenzie's side all the time and you two are together, right?" She says. I frown.
     "Yes but, Mackenzie is a bitch and I know that Benny would never leave me for her," I explain. Jessica smiles and rolls her eyes.
    "So what's wrong then?" She asks.
      "It's Mackenzie, you idiot!" I joke.
     "Ha. We all know that Mackenzie is a wanna be know it all but we also know that that girl can't tell ya what two plus two is if her life depended on it, hon!" She says in her New York accent. I laugh.
    "Yeah that's true," I nod my head. Class lasted for only twenty more minutes and then it was time for lunch. We ate inside today because it was raining. I walked into the lunchroom and looked around for my friends. Then I spotted the sandlot boys plus Jessica and Andrew all sitting at a long table near a window. I walk over to the table.
    "Hey guys," I says as I plop down in between Benny and Jessica.
     "Hey. So, I've been doin some think-in," she says in her New York accent that makes me just wanna crack up. I could tell that Benny was trying to hid his smile too. Her accent stands out among everyone in the school. I lover her accent and I wish I had it instead of my plain Jane voice.
    "What were you thinking about?" I ask her. She sets her fork down.
    "So, it's a way to finally get that slut of a girl, Mackenzie, put in her place," she explains. I look over at her in shock and then look at Benny. His eyebrows were furrowed together. I held my breath and stood up and pulled Jessica to follow me.
    "What is it?" She asks as we were far away from the table.
     "You can't say those type of things around Benny," I whispered to her. She gave me an apologetic look.
   "Now what was your plan?" I ask. She chuckles.
    "Well I didn't really have a plan, I just said that because I wanted to see what Benny's reaction would be," she says mischievously. I open my mouth in shock.
   "What??" She laughs even harder now.
     "Sorry," She says as I drag her back to the lunch table. We sit down and everyone is staring at us.
    "So... uh, how's was everyone's day?" I say trying to change the subject. They roll their eyes and go back to talk to each other. Then all of a sudden, Mackenzie comes and plops right down next to Benny like she's our friend. I can hear Jessica snarl beside me. I elbow her.
    "So Benny are we still going roller skating tonight?" She asks. What?? They're going roller skating?? Well I guess I'll be busy going bowling with Andrew, but still!
   "Yep," Benny Said. I can't take it anymore. I get up and storm out of the lunchroom and I hear someone following me. As I'm in the hall, I spin around to see Benny.
     "What?!" I say crossing my arms. I know I have no right to be mad, but I am. I'm furious.
     "Ohh I now your not mad at me!! And it better not be because me and Mack are going skating and you don't like her! your going bowling with Andrew and I can tell you that I'm not a big fan of him either!" He says, getting mad. I roll my eyes.
     "Look, it's not only that. It's the fact that your always taking Mackenzie's side against mine. I'm your- your girlfriend!" I say. I've never really used that title out loud before. He looks mad.
    "Well then you should have more trust in me! I would never do anything to hurt you but you don't seem to understand that!" He shouts at me. I can't hold it in anymore. I burst out in tears.
   "She's such a bitch though! All she's trying to do is steal you from me!" I say through sobs. Benny's face is full of regret now. He comes towards me.
    "I'm sorry, don't cry," he says. I'm usually a tough girl. I never cried in front of people. It makes me feel weak.
     "No! Go to you're precious Mackenzie! She'll be soo happy to see you!" I scream and storm away from him. Luckily, he didn't follow me.

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