Chapter 8

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    After school, I was getting ready to go bowling.
      "What do you wear to go bowling??" I muttered to myself under my breath. I was digging through my closet. Finally I picked out light blue skinny jeans, a white top, and a dark green jacket over it. I pushed the sleeve of the jacket up to my elbows. There, all done. I quickly put my hair up in a high bun and slide some hoop earrings in. I run down stairs and was stopped by my mom. She was holding a pair of black ankle boots.
     "These shoes are perfect for bowling," she said, wiggling the shoes in the air.
     "Uhh thanks but, those are not my style," I say as I walk to get my black converses.
     "You snooze you loose," my mom said as she walked back in the kitchen.
     "Bye mom," I say as I start to walk out the door.
    "Don't get in any trouble!" She called.
    "I won't," I said and closed the door. I'm supposed to meet Andrew at the bowling alley. I walk because it's right around the corner. It only took 5 minutes before I approached the bowling alley. There were lights everywhere and I could hear music playing from inside. It looked busy. I walked through the doors and looked around for Andrew.
     I then realized that this place wasn't just for bowling, it was also an arcade and it had roller skating and other stuff like that. I spot Andrew near the skating rink taking to a girl. Then I realize that that girl is Mackenzie. Urgg. My hands go into fists at my side. Benny must be here too then, I thought. I approach Andrew and Mackenzie.
     "Hey Andrew wanna go to bowling now?" I ask. I wanna get outta there before Benny shows up. But it's was too late.
    "Hey Mack, do you want roller blades or the regular skates?" He asks looking down at a pair of roller blades in one hand and skates in the other. He didn't spot me yet.
     "Uh, I'll take roller blades," she's says and Benny looks up and spots me. Oh no. He hands Mackenzie the roller blades without taking his eyes off me.
    "What are you guys doing here?" He asks.
     "Bowling, remember?" I say.
     "Oh, yeah," he says finally realizing that the bowling alley and skating rink are in the same place.
     "So nice talking to you Andrew, But we're going to go skating now," she says and pulls Benny to the rink before he could open his mouth to say something to me. I turn around and walk back to the bowling area. Soon me and Andrew were in the middle of a game. We were tied. In the end I won.
    "Ha. You said you would beat me, but you failed," I say happily to Andrew. His shook his head and shook his head.
     "Well it was your first time so it was probably beginners luck," he said. I shook my head.
    "Or just talent that you can't live up to," I say. He shakes his head and chuckles. "Alright big stuff, let's go get something to eat at the food court," he says. I turn around a grab my bag. We walk over to the food court get our food and sit at a table.
     "Hmm, these fries are the best thing I've had in a long time," I say through a full mouth.
    "I know! But they're better when you put hot sauce on 'em," he says. I look at him as he grabs a bottle of hot sauce from in the middle of the table.
     "What are you doing??" I ask as he starts drizzling it on his fries. He grabs some fries and pops them in his mouth.
     "Hmmmm, now that was the best," he says, "try some." He hands me the container of the fries with hot sauce on them. I hesitate at first, but I grab one and pop it in my mouth and chew. I swallowed and sat there for a moment.
    "So...?" Andrew asks, waiting for an answer.
    "That. Was. Amazing!" I say and grab the hot sauce and pour it on my fries. We laugh. We ate for a few more minutes then we decided to get going.
     "I need to run to the bathroom real quick," I say as we stood up to leave.
     "K, I'll wait here," Andrew said. I walk to in the bathroom and look into the mirror. I fix my bun and wash the hot sauce of my hands. I walk out of the bathroom and as I walk back to where Andrew was waiting, I run into Benny.
    "Oh hey," he says. His hands are in his pockets and he has his baseball hat on backwards.
     "Hi," I say back. He takes a breath.
     "Look, I'm really sorry about earlier today at school. I didn't mean all of those things and me and Mack are just friends. friends," he apologizes. I shrug.
     "It's fine. And I'm sorry for over reacting a little bit. I know you can get a little...attitudey sometimes," I joke.
     "Attitudey?" He chuckles.
     "Yep," I say elbowing him.
    "So.. we cool then?" He asks.
     "Always And forever," I say.
     "That's good," He says. Then I remember that Andrew is waiting for me.
    "Well me and Andrew are about to leave," I say.
    "Alright, bye," he leans in to kiss me on the cheek.
   "See ya around, Rodriguez," I wink, walking backwards and giving him a little solute. I'm glad that me and Benny are cool now. I walk over to Andrew and we walk out the door. We part ways and I head to my house. As I open the door I can see my parents sitting on the couch talking. They look serious.
    "What's up?" I ask as I approach them. They look at me.
     "Don't be mad, but we're moving," says my mom. I stood there, shocked.
     "Y-Your joking?" I say. Smith shakes his head.
      "We wanted to live closer to family so we're moving back to Florida," he says. I shake my head.
     "W-When??" I ask. My mom looks at Smith, then back to me.
      "Tomorrow after school, everything is packed except for your room," she says. I look around and notice that the house is almost empty and there's boxes against the wall. How did I not notice that when I walked in??
     "No, no, what about my friends?? I like it here mom, we can't leave," I say, "W-what about Benny, a-and DeNunez, And Andrew, And Jessica, and Smal-"
     "your just going to have to say goodbye," my mom cuts me off. Im on the verge of tears now. How could they do this to me without any warning! It was so unrealistic, that I almost didn't believe it. Without saying anything else, I run up to my room, slam the door, fall on my bed, and fall asleep.
     The next morning, I wake up and remember everything that happened yesterday. I get out of bed and slowly get dressed. I didn't say anything to my parents on they way out to school. How dare they do this to me?? I trudged to school and to my first class.
    I told Jessica first that I was moving. She looked really upset. We only got to have one sleepover. Benny wasn't at school today so I'll have to tell him later. Then I told DeNunez, then Andrew, and then all the rest of the boys.
    School went by too fast. Soon I was walking back home. My parents were planning on leaving at 5 so I ran across the street to Benny's house. I rung the door bell and Maria answered.
     "Hola, mi niña, Benny's up stairs," she says gesturing me inside.
      "Thanks," I say and run up the stairs. Benny was laying on his bed with his hands crossed on his stomach. He was starring up at the ceiling. What was he doing? I sit on the edge of it but he doesn't move.
      "Hey," I say. His eyes flicker to me.
      "Hey," He says, duly.
      "Why weren't you at school today?" I ask. He sighs.
     "My grandpa died," he said.
      "I'm so sorry," I say. I didn't even know he had a grandpa.
    "He was the one who taught me how to play baseball. His favorite player was Babe Ruth. That's why he's my favorite too," he said. I put a hand on his arm.
     "I'm sorry," I say again.
     "Why are you here?" He asks. Not In a mean way. I take a deep breath.
     "I'm moving back to Florida," I say. He stared at me.
      "Sam...if this is a joke, it's not funny," he says slowly.  I shake my head.
     "I wish it was a joke. But it's not," I say. He gets up and so do I. He all of a sudden hugs me.
     "Oh Sam, I'm gonna miss you. I'm gonna miss you so much," He says, his voice breaking.
     "I'll miss you too," I say, trying not to cry. This is like the twentieth time I was about to cry today. Every time I had to say goodbye to my friends. I couldn't hold it back anymore. Tears started to fall down my face. Benny pulls away and wipes the tears of of my face.
   "I love you, Sam. I always will," Benny whispered and started to lean in. Our lips were soon connected and the space between us dissolved.
      "I better get going, my parents are waiting," I slowly pull away after a couple minutes. We both head down Stairs. Benny follows me down and spins me around right when I head out the door. He Hugs me tight, kissing the top of my head.
     "I'll see you again one day, my love," he whispers. We pull away and Benny takes something out from behind his back. It was his jersey. The one that said. "Rodriguez, 30". I smile sadly up at him.
"Love you too, Rodriguez," I choke out. He studies my face one more time.
"Forever and always," he whispers. I have to quickly turn away and leave before I could break down right in front of him. I trudged home and my parents are already in the car. They wave me in and we pull out of the drive way. I was leaving my life.
    I'll never forget the people that I meet here. I remembered how miserable I was when we first moved here and now, I don't want to leave, I thought. As we drove away I looked back one more time to see that all the sandlot boys, plus Jessica and Andrew, were standing in the street yelling goodbye and waving.  
    Benny was in the front standing there with his bat in his hands, staying silent, just staring me in the eyes. I rolled down the window and waved back to them.
   Then I rolled the window back up, and looked out the back window until the figures of the sandlot boys became smaller and smaller until they disappeared completely.

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