Chapter 2

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I wake up to The loud alarm that was beside my bed. I groan and smack my alarm so that it turns off. I flicker my eyes over to the clock to see what time it was. It was 6:30. This was my first day going to school in California and I was a hot mess.
Summer was over. Now I have a whole new problem. I needed to make some friends. I know, I already have Benny, DeNunez, Bertram, Smalls, Timmy, Tommy, Yeah-Yeah, Ham, and Squints, but they might not all be in my classes so I need to make some more. I was so nervous as I got dressed. I know I shouldn't be because, what's there not to like about me?
It took me an hour yesterday to figure out what to wear to school. I decided on some ripped overalls with a white t-shirt under it and a blue flannel. I put on some hoop earrings and blue converses. I left my curly hair down. I picked up my blue backpack and ran down stairs.
My mom was drinking coffee (typical) while Smith was walking out the door to go to work. "Bye Samantha. Have a great first day of school." He said as he awkwardly hugged me goodbye. He gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and walked out the door. When I finished getting ready for school, I grabbed my backpack off of the ground. "Honey, have a good day at school and don't get into any trouble," my mom says, pointing a warning finger at me.
"Yeah, Yeah," I scoff, "I won't, don't worry." Then without another word, I turn away and walk out the door. I walk to school, but I don't mind it because I love walking anyway.
DeNunez showed me the way to school in the summer so I knew where to go. Benny told me yesterday that he usually left at 7:40 when I left at 7:50. So I wasn't able to walk with him today. The walk there was not long. Only 5 minutes or so. I arrived at a large building where a bunch of kids were outside waiting by a door. It looked kinda wild. Some people where standing in groups, talking while other people where running around and yelling. I work my way through the crowd occasionally bumping into people and saying sorry. I really didn't know where I was going. This group of girls were looking at me with dirty looks on their faces. What's their problem? I scrunched up my face and glare at them. Then they turned away.
"Looks like your getting along perfectly with everyone," says a sarcastic unfamiliar voice behind me. I spin around to face a boy with sort, wavy shaggy blonde hair. I narrow my eyes at him. "Well it was their fault. They started the whole thing." I say, crossing my arms. He just smirks.
"I'm Andrew Wilson." He says holding his hand out for me to shake it. I take it. "You've gotta be new around here. I've never seen you before and if I did I doubt I'd forget." He says smiling. I try not to blush at his comment but, I'm sure my face was red as a tomato.
"Yeah I'm new. I'm Samantha Walker. But you can call me Sam." I say letting go of his hand.
"So what class do you have first?" He asks. I pull out my schedule out of my back pocket, so he can look at it. He studies for a while. "We have 5 classes together! Social studies, math, Language arts, reading and, science." He says finally looking up from my schedule. He hands it back to me and I stuff it back into my pocket. "We have 1st together so I'll show you where your locker is if you want." He says as the bell rings for us to go inside. I nod as we turn and walk in among the crowd.
"That would be great." I say. He smiles. "Then follow me." He leads me down the hall and stops at a row of lockers.
"What's your locker number again?" He asks. I look at my paper and say, "84." He points to a locker.
"That's it." He says.
"Thanks." I watch him as he waves to me and walks away, down the hall.
I put in the combination and put all my stuff in there. I took out my social studies stuff because that was my first class.
"Hey," says someone behind me as I close my locker. I turn to see that it was Benny.
"Hi," I smile. He quickly pecks me on the cheek.
"Sorry I didn't see you this morning. I had to....take care of something." He said. Hmm.
"It's fine. I made a new friend." I perk up. "Already?" He asks shocked.
"Yep,"I grin. He smiles really wide. "I guess you are a likable person." I grin when he said this.
"Told ya," I elbow him, "Well I gotta get to class, my new friend is waiting for me."
"Hm. Alright, see ya." He winks at me before walking away. I follow the map that was given to me a before school started. I enter the classroom and see that everyone was all ready in there seats.
I look at the clock. Shoot. I was 5 minutes late. The teacher stops talking and looks at me. He was a young teacher, probably in his middle 20s or something.
"Your late," He says. Well duh.
"I'm sorry," I say.
"You must be Samantha," He says and waves me over to him. I make my way in front of the class, over to the teacher.
"I'm Mr. mike," He says. Then he turns to the class, "Class, we have a new student, this is Samantha Walker." I give a little wave to the class.
"Hey homies." I say, clicking my tongue . The class stares at me. I hear some boys chuckle but I don't bother looking their way . Then I spot Andrew. He smiles and I smile back. "Uh well, Samantha you can take a seat over by Jessica," He says and points to a girl with long red hair. Her hair is almost like Ariel's but like, 20 shades darker.

"Thanks, oh and you can call me Sam." I say as I walk over to my seat. I can feel all the eyes on me but I don't really care. I was never a shy person. I sit down next to the girl called Jessica. She gives me a smile and I return it. The rest of class, we did some partner activities and I was partners with Andrew two times and partners with Jessica once. Soon class was over. That wasn't that bad. I felt as if Jessica would be one of my friends. She's Pretty cool.

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