Chapter 3

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I walk home and open the door once I'm there. I'm home alone because my parents are still at work. While I was waiting for it to be 4 already, I watched tv and ate a lot of candy while holding ice up to my nose.
It hurt a lot. Finally, after hours, the clock strikes 4 and I jump up and grab my glove and head out the door. I see Andrew walking towards my house and I run up to him.
"Ready?" I ask.
"Yep," He he replies, popping the "P". We walk to the sandlot and when we arrive, the boys are already playing. As always. As soon as we approach the field, the boys notice us and they all just stand there.
"Hey guys. Andrews gonna join us if that's ok." I say to them.
"No that's not ok," says DeNunez but Smalls quickly elbows him.
"Uh uh I mean yeah sure it's fine I guess." He forces out. I can tell that none of the boys are happy. And Benny, let's just say that he was furious. He stomps towards us.
"Can I talk to you?" He says through clenched teeth. I look over at Andrew with an apologetic look.
"Yeah sure," I sigh. Benny walks me over, under the tree house far away from the boys so that they can't hear.
"What were you thinking?!" He whispers, hisses at me. I was surprised. I didn't know he was this mad. I've never really seen him this mad before.
"Woah, calm down I'm sorry," I say, but he doesn't calm down not even a bit. He paces back and forth.
"No I'm not gonna calm down! Why'd you bring him here! We don't need another player and we don't want another player!" He starts ranting as his voice grew louder into a shout. I look back at the team. I see that some are looking at us and some are talking to Andrew. The ones that are looking at us have really worried looks on their faces. They can probably hear Benny yelling.
Benny stops pacing and he comes to stand right in front of me when he notices that I'm not looking at him. "Look at me! He's not welcome none of us like him except for you! He just-just ruins things!" He closes his eyes for a second.
"Benny please just be quieter. He's my friend. You just don't like him because he's hanging out with me! Well you know what? I can have other friends too!" I snap. He throws his hands up in exasperation.
"Ya think that's what it is?! That I don't want you to have other friends?? You have tons of other friends and I don't care! I really don't care," He says.
"I know, I know, but I saw you today at school when he was holding on to me and when he wanted to go with us to the school nurse," I say. He hesitates but closes his mouth before he said anything. I talk more softly this time. "Benny, you don't have to worry about him taking your place or anything. I love you and only you," I whisper, trying to take his face in my hands but he turns away.
"You know what? Whatever, let's just go and play the game," he huffs, avoiding my eyes. I blink up at him. What was wrong with him lately? I watch him as he starts to walk off back towards the boys. He doesn't mean that does he?
I soon follow behind him, making my way over to the boys. They watch benny as he walks past them to the dugout. His face is so red and mine is just flushed. I can't believe he was so mad at me. I grab my glove silently when Andrew walks over to me.
"Hey, you ok?" He Asks.
"Honestly, no." I sigh. Andrew stands there, probably not know what to say. I force a smile at him.
"Let's play in out field. Are you good at right center?" I ask. He nods.
"Ok good. I'll be left center." I say and we walk to our spots. None of us say anything to Benny. We were to afraid that he might blow up at any second. We played for hours and Benny didn't talk the whole time. When we finally decide to call it a day, I trudged home and was going to head to my room when I arrived, but my mom and Smith were waiting for me in the living room.
"Uh hi," I say as they told me to sit down on the couch. They stared down at me with disappointment. My mom has her arms crossed.
"Sam we got a call today that you got into a fight with a girl named Alexis Hollister. They said she was very hurt." My mom said.
"That snitch," I mutter. Smith raised his eyebrows.
"You wanna tell us about is?" He asks.
"Well she was a low down brat mom! She was standing there acting like she can trash talk me and she won't get her ass whooped," I said. My mom's eyes got wide.
"Samantha! What has gotten into you?! Wait I take that back, I know what it is. It's that boy, Benny Rodriguez. I heard he got into a fight with some boy named Mike Phillips and he was seriously injured. When I meet him, he was a nice kid but fighting is not acceptable!" She says. I shake my head.
"No mom, it wasn't him." I say,
"She was trying to say that she was in charge of me." I explain.
"Well either way, we are very disappointed in you, Samantha." Says Smith.
"Well look, I'm sorry to disappoint you guys but I'm not sorry for giving Alexis what she deserved. Now can I go to bed?" I ask.
"Eh, eh, eh," my mom warned, "the school also said that you are suspended." My eyes go wide. Of course, on my first day.
"So no baseball for 3 days." She said.
"What?! That's not fair mom! I go there everyday! I can't live without baseball!" I complain but I know it's not going to change her mind.
"Well you'll just have to find something else to do, now go to bed. You don't have school tomorrow so you'll be home alone and we have to go out of town for business for two days." Smith said. Out of town? For two days? Home alone? Yes!
"Fine," I sigh and trudged up stairs. I pull out my phone as I plop on my bed. I call the sandlot boys on a group call.
"Hey guys," I said as they all answer.
"Hey," they said.
"So I have news, I'm suspended so I'm not gonna be at school tomorrow, but my parents are going out of town for two days and I'm going to be home alone. So you guys wanna come to my house after school tomorrow and spend the night or something if you want." I explain.
"Yeah!" Said Ham.
"We haven't had a sleep over in a while," Said Tommy. I smile.
"So its a yes for all of you?" I ask. They all said yes but Benny stayed quiet.
"Benny?" I ask waiting for an answer.
"Um I'll think about it." He said.
"Okay," I sighed. When they all hung up, I called Andrew and told him the news.
"Sure I'll come,"he said and we hung up. I'm wasn't sure if it was a good idea to invite Andrew if Benny is coming. The other boys were fine with him now I guess but Benny.. he's not. At all. And I didn't know how to feel about that. I knew that in the end, I would always choose Benny's side. I sigh, closed my eyes and fell asleep in no time.

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