Chapter 5

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I woke up in the morning before the boys did. They were all still sleeping and sprawled on the floor and I was wrapped up in Benny's arms. Our legs were tangled so it took me a while to get up without waking him up. I stepped over all the other boys so that I wouldn't wake them up.
I tip toed to the bathroom and start fixing my hair when I heard a CLANG from downstairs. I jump and ran quietly out of the bathroom and peek my head into my room. All the boys were still asleep. I tip toed down the hall and down the stairs.
Once I was at the bottom of the stairs, i peeked around the wall to see that a tall, unfamiliar, man dressed in black, digging through drawers in my living room. I panicked. There's a robber in my house! I tried to keep calm but I couldn't because of the fact that my house was getting broken into and my friends were all still sleeping peacefully up stairs. I muffled a scream.
I fastly tipped toed up the stairs and into my room. I didn't want to wake up all the boys yet because that would make noise. So I would either wake up Andrew or Benny. I didn't have long to decide. I went over to Benny and shook his shoulder.
"Benny, Benny, wake up. There's someone in the house and I don't know who it is!" I whisper urgently. He shot up.
"Come on," I say pulling him up. We walk out of my room and slowly down the stairs. We peeked around the wall and Benny's eyes got wide with fear. My heart starts beating Un- normally fast. What are we gonna do?
"What are we gonna do?" Asks Benny as if reading my thoughts. I look up at him.
"I don't know," I say.
"I know what your gonna do," says an unfamiliar voice. I turn and look in front of me. The man was towering over us. We stood there in fear.
"Your not gonna call the police and your gonna go back up stairs and pretend this never happened," he said dangerously. I didn't know what to do but I wasn't going to act like I was afraid of him.
"No were not. You better get out of my house right now," I warned. Though I don't know what I could do. The man chuckles.
"Or what? You better listen to what I say before people get hurt." He says and he all of a sudden pulls out a knife.
"Woah, dude put the knife down. We don't have to get violent," Said Benny. My eyes trailed over to the house phone that was sitting on the table right next to me. My hand shot out to grab it but just then, the man pulled my arm and grabbed me so that I was pressed against him and his knife at my neck. By now, the boys had woken up and stood in fear on the top of the stairs.
"Let her go!" Shouts DeNunez.
"No! This little brat didn't listen to me so she's gonna get what I warned her about!" He says pressing the knife harder.
"Ahh!" I moan in agony. There was a trickle of blood coming from my neck. Just then, Benny snapped and grabbed a metal baseball bat that was next to him. He swung it and smacked the man with it in the head. There was a huge crack, and the man fell to the ground, still breathing but unconscious. I stood there for a second and then I ran into Benny's arms.
Then I feel a bunch of arms wrap around me and I realize that all the boys were giving he hugs. I was so shocked and scared that I could barely talk.
"It's ok, Sam it's all over," I heard Andrew whisper to me. My face was still buried in Benny's chest because I didn't want the boys to see me crying. I was just to scared to hold it in.

"Your ok now Sam," says benny, "Hey Smalls, can you call the police?"
"Sure," says smalls and he heads over to the phone. Benny walks me to the couch and my face is still hidden. We sit like this until the police arrive. They ask me questions and then they take the man to jail.
Benny didn't get in trouble for hitting the man with the bat because he was doing it for self-defense. I called my parents right after the police left. All the boys were still there since it was still morning time.
My parents then asked Small's mom if she could come and watch us just in case something else happened. She arrived in five minutes and didn't really bother us much. We were sitting in my basement playing video games.
I was sitting on the head of the couch, concentrating on the game. I was playing Andrew and he was pretty good. We played for a little while longer but then Yeah-Yeah suggested that we go to that sandlot.
"My parents said I'm not allowed to. I got grounded from it." I say unhappy.
"So your gonna listen to them?" Asks Ham in disbelief.
"Hell no." I say as if it were obvious.
"I'm not some goodie two shoes but y'all already know that," I say.
"Then let's go play some ball," says Bertram, standing up. We all get up and head down stairs.
"Hey mom, were going to the sandlot," says Smalls.
"Ok, but don't be gone all day," she says from the couch.
"We won't," Smalls answers. Then we all make our way to the sandlot.

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