Chapter 4

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As I woke up, I remembered that I don't have school today so I stayed in my pajamas as I walked down the stairs.
My parents had their bags at the front door and were getting ready to leave.
"Now Sam, you better be good or else you in huge trouble. Do you hear me?" My mom warned, pointing a finger at me.
"Yes mom," I sigh, "but I might have....DeNunez and the others come over for a little bit cause I'm bored." She frowns but nods and agrees.
"Bye mom, Smith" I hug her and Smith as they walk out the door. Later that day, the boys arrived. Benny And Andrew still weren't here as we were dancing to some song. I looked a mess. My messy bun turned even messier. I had my plaid pajama pants on with a white t-shirt. All of a sudden the door bell rang.
"I'll get it!" I yell over the music. I run to the door and swing it open.
"Benny you came!" I say as I throw my arms around his neck.
"Uh yeah," he says. I peck him on the lips as I pull away.
"Sorry for earlier," I mutter.
"It's fine," he simply said as he walked inside and set his stuff down in the living room where everyone else was dancing.
"Benny!" They all yelled. Benny waved. "Come on!" I say as I pulled him to the middle. The song was an upbeat pop song. I started jumping up and down, dancing. Benny just laughed at me. But He started dancing too.
Later, after we calmed down a bit, we went up to my room and the boys set out their sleeping bags. I sat on my bed cris crossed while the boys were messing around with each other on their sleeping bags. Andrew wasn't here yet but he told me he had to come late. As if on cue, the door bell rang. I got up from the bed and tried to get past the boys with out getting knocked down. I run down the stairs, to the door. I swing it open to reveal Andrew.
"Yay your here! Come in side," I say and he walks in. I lead him to my room. All the boys know that he's coming and they're absolutely fine with it. They became cool after yesterday's baseball game. But I forgot to tell Benny. I know, I'm dead. We arrive at my room and walk in.
"Andrew!" The boys yell.
"Hey come put your stuff next to mine," says smalls, patting the ground next to him. Andrew walks over to Smalls and sets his stuff down. During all of this, Benny is watching him but doesn't say anything. I walk over to Benny and plop down next to him.
"Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you I'm inviting him, I forgot to. I hope your not made at me," I say, not knowing what he's going to say. He sits there for a while staring into space then he turns to look at me. He puts his hand on mine. "It's fine. How could I ever be seriously mad at you? " he asks duly with no emotion what so ever in his voice. I sit there for a few more minutes not really know what else to say.
"Hey guys who's ready for the traditional game, truth or dare?" He calls to us. Me and Benny look at each other and laugh. Every single truth or dare game we did, it was always the same dare. Bertram would always make us kiss or something. We get up and crawl over to where the boys were sitting in a circle.
"Who's going first?" Asks Bertram. He was always the leader of truth or dare. Andrew raised his hand.
"I've never played truth or dare before," he said. My eyes got wide.
"What?! Dude, who raise you?" I cried. He laughs.
"Well make it a really good one then," he says.
"Alright, Truth or dare," asks Bertram.
"Truth," answers Andrew. Bertram rubbed his hands together.
"Alright who is your least favorite person here?" He asks. For some reason I feel like he's going to say Benny and Benny's not gonna like that. Even though Andrew was Benny's least favorite too. Andrew hesitates.
"Ummm, I don't want to hurt anyone's feeling here." He said.
"Dude we don't care, I can say that my least favorite is probably Ham and he doesn't care," he said. Ham just laughed. They really don't care. Andrew took a deep breath.
"Benny," he answers. We all look at Benny for a second.
"The feeling is mutual," he says back, flatly. I have to chuckle a little at this.
"Well we can agree on one thing, that we both don't like each other," says Andrew.
"Yep," Benny says. Now I feel a little uncomfortable. I know that the reason Benny doesn't like Andrew is because of me.
"Well uh who's going next?" I cut in.
"You are," says DeNunez, pointing to me. I sigh.
"Alright then, make it a good dare." I say. DeNunez thinks for a few seconds.
"I dare you to call one of your old friends form Florida and tell them that you don't wanna be friends with them any more and that you hate them." He explained. My eyes got wide.
"What?" I say. "But you can tell them that it was a dare after you do it," he reassured.
"Thanks," I sigh in relief. I pull out my phone and decide to face time Lucas. The phone rings for a little bit but then he answers.
"Hello?" I can see him in the screen. I put on a fake frown.
"Lucas, I have to tell you something," I start. His face got serious.
"Anything," He says. I look at the boys then back down to Lucas.
"Well... I don't want to be friends with you anymore. I hate you," is say. It was so funny but I kept the smile in. His face faltered for a second.
"W-What?" He stammers. "You hate me? Why?" He asks confused. Finally I couldn't hold it in anymore. I start laughing.
"Lukey, I'm joking! It was a dare that my stupid friend, DeNunez made me do," I laugh.
"Heyyyy," DeNunez complains. I push him and he falls over. After a while I hear Lucas start to laugh too.
"Very funny, Sam," He chuckles.
"Well I gotta go, bye lukey," I wave.
"See ya," He says and I hang up.
"That was great said Yeah-Yeah.
"Yeah, why do you call him Lukey?" Asks Andrew. I shrug.
"I always have. It's his nickname since like preschool." I explain. We stayed up until about 1 in the morning. The boys slept on the ground in their sleeping bags. I was originally going to sleep on my bed but, I eventually fell asleep comfortably in Benny's arms.

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