Chapter 6

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Once we get there, we get straight to playing. We play until we hear someone walking towards us.
"Hey you kids!!" Yells the unfamiliar teenager that's walking towards us. We stand there, not know what to do or say. He finally reaches us and he doesn't look happy.
"So your da kids that put my brother in jail," he starts. Uh oh. The guy that broke into my house was his brother. Now his brother was mad. What was he going to do to us?
"Yeah we are, now what do you want?" Benny growls.
"I want to make your lives miserable, you little brats," He says and he reaches out to grab Tommy but then Tommy runs. He takes off running out of the sandlot and we follow. The man was chasing after us.
"Ima get y'all!" He yells. Then all of a sudden more boys start chasing us. They're all probably about 20 years old. We sprint threw the streets and the boys are on our tails.
"Split up!" Yells Squints. We split up and I end up with Benny and Andrew. Wow, what are the odds of that. We have a lot of boys on our tail.
"They're gaining on us!" Yells Andrew.
"Yeah duh. I had no idea!" Benny scoffs sarcastically. Then he looks like he has an idea.
"Follow me! I have a stupid idea!" He yells as he turns a corner.
"Well if it's stupid then why would we follow you?" I yell back. He rolls his eyes as he's running. We follow behind him, then his eyes trail to a car in the parking lot that's still running.
"Benny... I hope your not thinking what I think your thinking!" I warned him. He runs to the car and hops in. Even though I know how much trouble we will get into for doing this, I still hop in the front seat and Andrew hops in the backseat.
"Benny your insane! You don't know how to drive! Your not even old enough!" I say. He shakes his head.
"I've drove before," he says and grips the wheel and clenches his jaw.
"How?" His face looked so determined, I would laugh if we weren't in this kind of situation.
"Mario cart and Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing," he answers and a mischievous grin came across his face.
"Oh no," I say and sink lower in my seat. He slams the pedal and speeds off. I swear, he will be a terrible driver in the future. He was speeding down the road swerving back and forth. I look behind us and see that a car was chasing us.
I looked to see who was driving it and it was those boys that were chasing us.
"We didn't lose them, Benny! They're on our tails!" I say, looking at Benny and gripping the handle above me. He mutters under his breath and makes a sharp turn onto the other street. I go flying and I'm about to hit my head on the dash board when Benny's arm went out and pushed me back into my seat. He looks at me in concern.
"You ok?" He asks. I wave him off.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine. Now keep your eyes on the road!!" I yell. He immediately turns his attention back to the road.
"We really shouldn't be doing this, Benny. The police are chasing us now!" Yells Andrew from the back seat.
"What?!" I scream.
"Oh shit!" Benny curses and he crashes into a garage can and it goes flying.
"Pull over, Benny, pull over!" I yell and shake his arm. He hesitates for a second but then he pulls over and we sit there as the police gets out of his car. Benny puts his head back.
"We're dead," he groans. Andrew sits there, petrified.
"Got that right, hon," I say to Benny. The police approach the car and Benny rolls down the window.
"look, officer-" I cut him off before he can start. He has a bad attitude right now and the last thing we need is Benny cussing out a policeman.
"Sorry, officer, we were being chased by some men with knives and they were trying to kill us and the only way to get away was to use a car," I explained. The policeman didn't look like he was buying it.
"Please Step out of the car," he said. Benny didn't look happy but he obeyed and we followed. Me, Benny, and Andrew, stood next to each other in front of the car as the policeman inspected us. A police woman stood in front of us with her hands on her hips.
"y'all don't look like your old enough to be driving. How old are y'all?" She asked in her country accent.
"14, I say.
"Same," says Andrew.
"15," Benny said. He's only four months older then me and Andrew is a month older then me.
"Hm," says the officer.
"You know that's its against the law for kids your age to drive, right? Plus, you did a lot of damage, including that garbage can over there." She points out. I have to say that Benny wasn't that bad of a driver. He bump into only two things. He was a little wild but other than that, he could be a race car driver if he wasn't so into baseball.
"Yeah we know officer but, it was the only way to lose those guys that were chasing us." Andrew explained.
"Well who ever those boys are, they're gone now, but I'm still gonna have to take y'all in," she said and gestured for us to get in the back of the police car. We looked at each other and squeezed in the back seats. Five minutes later, we were sitting in a jail cell waiting for our parents .
"I can't believe this is happening," Andrew complained.
"I'm so dead," He plops right down, on the bench, next to me.
"Look, if anyone's dead it's me. I wasn't even supposed to go to the sandlot in the first place," I scoff. Benny sat there with his face in his hands.
"It's my fault," he groans.
"Ha. Ya think," Andrew spat. Benny's head shot up and he glared at Andrew.
"Shut up. You don't have a say in any of this, moron," he snarls.
"Well we wouldn't be in any of this if it wasn't for you and your stupid ideas!" Andrew shot back.
"Go die in a ditch, dumb ass" Benny murmured. Andrew all of a sudden shoots up and was about to say something awful back, but I stopped him.
"Hey! Guys, it's not the time for this ok? We're already in huge trouble, we don't need to make it worse." I give them a hard stare until Andrew sits back down. A few minutes pass and we were all silent. Finally, The police woman appears at the cell. She looks down at the papers in her hands.
"Mrs. Rodriguez is here to get you out." She says. Benny's face flushed.
"Follow me," She said and opened the cell door and we followed her out. As soon as we enter the lobby, Maria, Benny's mom, comes storming towards us. She looks pretty young. Like she's in her twenties or something. Her face is red and her palms were in fists.
"Uh oh," Benny mutters. She grabs Benny's ear and pulls him out the door and tells us wait inside for a minute. She stands outside, in front of Benny and she's screaming at him. I can't really make out what she's saying but she looks really mad. All the blood has left Benny's face. I look at Andrew and his face was flushed too. A few moments later, Maria walked back inside and tells us to come.
Maria is a nice lady. But when Benny does something bad, she goes all off on him. You would think that Benny learned his lesson by now, but no. He didn't. We walked out side, to Maria's car.
"What were you guys thinking? You know your parents are going to kill you, Sam," she says disappointed. I lower my head.
"Yeah I know, but it was the only way to escape those boys." I say. She sighs and we drive off. She drops off Andrew first and his mom is waiting for him at the door with a disappointed look on her face. I slid up to sit next to Benny.
"Hey," I say.
"What's up," He says back. I shrug. I rest my head on his shoulder. We sit like this until we're at my house. My parent's car was parked in the driveway. Looks like they're home early. I sit up and prepare for the worst.
"Don't die," says Benny as I get out of the car. I force a smile.
"I won't," I say and walk to the door. My parents open it immediately and I walk in.
"Look mom, Dad, I sorry. We didn't mean for all this to happen," I start. My parents look down at me.
"we're just really disappointed that you disobeyed us. We told you not to go to the sandlot and look what happened," Said my dad. Wow I'm surprised that they didn't beat me or something. Yes, I get spankings. I only got one in my life though.
"I'm sorry, it won't happen again," I say. The rest of the day my parents weren't as mad at me. They were still really disappointed, but not mad. I found out that the rest of the sandlot boys made it to DeNunez's house and hid there and waited for us.

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