Chapter 5

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I woke up to Jasmine shaking me telling me I was at my house I told her I would call her tomorrow. I unlocked the doors to my surprise there were both of my parents sitting at the table looking worried. I started to walk up the stairs when I heard my mom call my name I walked into the kitchen "what" I said.  "We were worried where were you" my dad says rudely. My mom puts a hand on his shoulder I roll my eyes "why would you care you two are never home anyway i'm actually surprised your here now" I say. My mom glances at my arms she stands up and walks over to me "what happened" she says in a caring voice. "Nothing" I say walking away. I walk up the stairs me and my parents used to be close but they always chose work over me so it gets on my nerves when they decide its one of the days they actually care. I walk into my room and go to the bathroom and look at my arms you can see them on my tan skin. There were about 5 on each arm. "I guess i'll just have to wear jackets till they go away" I mumble to myself. I took a shower and brushed my teeth and got under the blankets. It was still hard to get asleep after what happened earlier with Edward. But eventually I fell asleep right after I heard my phone dinging not even caring if it was Luke. I was on the beach again but this time Edward and his friends got me and were taking me to a dark room I screamed for help but no one never came I heard a rustling noise. I woke up sweating it was 12 am and still heard a rustling noise I got up and looked out the window to see if it was coming from outside but I saw nothing. "Probably just a stray cat" I whispered to myself. I sat on my bed and grabbed my phone there was a message from unknown. I clicked it hey this is Luke from the party  I smiled I immediately texted back Hi Luke from the party. I sat there scrolling through Instagram on my phone when I got a text from him well i'm glad i got the right number but what are you doing awake at 12 am. I texted back Cant sleep I think I'm traumatized😞 sorry if I woke you up though.  He texts back No its fine maybe we can meet up tomorrow and i can get your mind off that stupid ex of yours. I text back Okay  sounds good text tomorrow. K night he says. But one thing was bothering me I don't remember telling him Edward was my ex maybe it just slipped out or maybe he knew from school but the other thing is I've never seen him around school. I shake the thought out of my mind its a big school. I sit there on my phone till I finally fall asleep.

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