Chapter 6

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I wake up the next morning not knowing what time I had fallen asleep last night. I get up and stretching then I remember my bruises "ow" I mumble to myself. I walk downstairs and of course my parents have already left for work. I fix me a bowl of cereal and eat while scrolling through my notifications. Then I get a text from Luke want to meet up today. I smile to myself and check my calendar and I have nothing to do today so I text back sure where. He texts back after a few minutes how about the coffee shop in town. Sure meet you there at 2 I text back K he texts back. I put my bowl in the sink smiling and go upstairs and change (outfit above). Its only 10 so i still have a lot of time before then so I call Jasmine. "Hello" she says groggily obviously just have woken up. "Hey sorry did I wake you" I say "No I just am having a major hangover from last night" she says. "Oh" I say "yea maybe we can go get a coffee or something" she says. I kinda feel bad because she is my best friend but I cant just cancel on Luke "sorry but I kinduff have a date with the guy from last night"I say the last part quietly. "WHAT" she screams into the phone "you just met him last night and your already going on a date with him what if he is like a serial killer or something" she says. I roll my eyes "he is not a serial killer I will be fine but I will bring you a coffee on my way home" I say. "Ok just be careful Emma you don't even really know this guy bye Emma" She says and hangs up before I can even say bye. I watch Netflix for a couple hours ten at 1 50 I brush my hair down and do my makeup lightly but cute. I put my shoes on and grab my purse and car keys and walk out side and get in the car. I get to the coffee shop and park my car and get out I look around see if I can find him. "Emma" I turn around to see Luke walking up to me and he looks really good in the daylight. "hey" I say a little more awkward then I intended. "Hey you look great" he says. I feel my cheeks heat up a little "thanks" I say simply like its no big deal. We start to walk into the coffee shop right when the door opens the smell of coffee hits my nose like a dream. We sit at a table with two chairs and wait for our coffee. He ordered simply a black coffee and I ordered a caramel latte. "So" he says. "So" I repeat back. "This is way more awkward than I thought it would be" he says chuckling. I giggle "yea so Luke tell me a little about yourself I mean like are you a senior or what" I say. Our coffee comes and we thank the guy for our coffee I take a sip of mine and Luke says "Actually I'm a junior like you" "Really how come I've never seen you around school" I ask "well i'm actually new so I wont start till next year" He says smiling and taking a sip of his coffee. "Oh how did you know about the party I mean sorry am I asking to many questions" I say. He smiles "not at all well I heard about the party from the boy showing me around school so I decided why not go" He says. "Now tell me about you Mrs Emma"He says smiling. "Well I've been going to these schools since I was a kid and I just went to the party because my best friend Jasmine wanted me to and you do anything for friends right"I say. Then my phone rings "Its Jasmine I got to take this" I answer "hey" "are you almost done with your date yet my coffee machine is broken and I've ran out of headache medicine" she says. "Yea i'm coming" I say and hang up and turn back to Luke "Sorry I have to go" "Oh" he says his smiling fading. "bye" I say smiling at him "Ill text you later." He nods I go and get Jasmine her favorite coffee and walk out the door to my car. Little did I know that Luke was staring at me the whole way. 

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