Romance winner Interview with Estelle

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Romance winner:elusive_6788

Interviewed by:Torieasy

1. How did you find out about Wattpad?

I found out about Wattpad on Google, as I was searching for a digital space where I could read books.

2. What does it mean to you to receive the winners' position for the champ Easter awards 2k19?

I was surprised, elated and very thankful for the award. There were talented writers who also took part in entering the awards, so to be recognized meant a great deal for me.

3. What motivated you to participate in the contest?

I was nudged by a fellow Wattpad reader/writer to enter the awards. The thing I love most about Wattpad is the support I receive from others. It’s a wonderful community of honest and empathetic readers and writers supporting each other.

4. At what age did you start to take an interest in writing?

I was seven when I started reading and writing. I didn’t really have a choice at the start, because I was one of the strugglers in class at the time. After being called into a private meeting with my teacher, my mother spent many hours getting me to read different books and write stories. When I became better at writing, my interest grew. I later went on to study journalism in college.

5. How was the reaction of readers to the first chapter of your first book, when you just began on wattpad?

Ok, I’m smiling now because the original first chapter was nothing like the one in the story we see today. The original was, to put it politely, not so good. ;) I spent a lot of time editing the book, especially the first chapter. I had some great constructive criticism from a few readers, who also motivated me to do better.

6. At any point in writing, did you feel the need to take a break?

Yes, absolutely. I had moments when I hit an impasse. I didn’t want to give people something mediocre to read. I felt they deserved the best I had to give, so during the moments of writer’s block or frustration, I took a break from writing. When I was more relaxed and figured out how to move forward, I picked up where I left off.

7. Do you feel any pressure to update due to the amount of readers you have?

No. The same goes with requests for a sequel - there won’t be a sequel.

8. Do you have a favorite among all the books you've written?

I like them all, because they’re so different from each other.

9. Who would you say is your biggest inspiration as a writer?

My English teacher in my senior year of high school. She believed in my writing. A friend from college also set me on the path to write this romance novel.

10. Have you really just sat down to take a few seconds to realize just how popular your work has become?

I haven’t really thought deeply of its popularity. When readers enjoy the book and say they can relate to the characters or situations, that’s what gives me joy in writing.

11. Where do you get your writing inspirations?

I was looking for a romance novel minus the bad boy, rockstar, billionaire, werewolf or vampire elements. I wanted the male lead to be more down to earth so I decided to write my own story. I was inspired by my partner.

12. If you could swap  your life with one book character, who would it be?

In my book, it would be Carrie. She really rocked. In any other book, I would swap with Daisy and ride off into the sunset with Jay (The Great Gatsby).

13. Which character can you relate the most from your book?

Jake Somersby. He doesn’t give up easily, values his family and doesn’t let the past hold him back.

14. When you have a writer's block, what do you do to get rid of it?

I go for a drive, walk, or meet up with friends. Sometimes watching a good movie helps.

15. What do you like to do during your free time?

I read during most of my free time. I also like traveling and trying new restaurants. I’m a big foodie fan, especially dishes from different countries.

16. How would you encourage writing?

Read plenty of books to learn different techniques and styles. Keep fine-tuning and editing your work. Know the difference between constructive criticism and nitpicking. Stick to your gut instinct. It’s usually right.

17. Where do you see yourself in the next 3-5 years?

I’d like to have more free time to invest in writing and helping other writers. I’d like to also live in a warm, sunny country. :)

18. Is there anything you would like to say to your fans/supporters?

I want to say a big, big thank you to everyone who has read my book. It means so much when I know they’ve given their time and attention to the story. I also read and value their comments.

19. What advice would you like to pass across to all the struggling writers out there?

Find a good group of supporters, especially on Wattpad, who you can share experiences with and ask advice from. It helps having one or two readers critique your work, chapter by chapter. This process isn’t easy but the end result is rewarding.

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