Teen fiction winner Interview with Bloomingstar19

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Teen fiction winner: BloomingStar19

Interviewed by: Torieasy

1. How did you find out about Wattpad?

Ever since I discovered my ultimate love for reading, I’ve considered wattpad as a method. I can’t even remember how many books I’ve read on it. I just love it.

2. What does it mean to you to receive the winners' position for the champ Easter awards 2k19?

It was literally AMAZING. I never thought I’d actually write a book- yet alone actually win a contest! I was super shocked when I was informed. This award has encouraged me and boosted my confidence in writing. It made me think: “ oh wait, people actually like my book!”

3. What motivated you to participate in the contest?

My book. Once Upon an Us may just be a book to other people, but for me, it has become a part of my life and heart. I want to give it the chance to win and to have more people read it.

4. At what age did you start to take an interest in writing?

Probably at the age of 14. I’ve created my instagram account @carelessflaws , and suddenly discovered my love for writing. I began writing my own quotes and excerpts. I never thought I’d be able to actually write, but here I am. I’ve began writing quotes and poems. A few months ago, I woke up and asked myself, “why don’t you write a book?” And that was the day my journey began with writing books.

5. How was the reaction of readers to the first chapter of your first book, when you just began on wattpad?

As a person, I’m sarcastic and I joke. So when I began my first chapter, I made sure to include many funny remarks,clumsy moments, and a shocking plot twist in the end of it. According to the replies I got, I found out that many of the readers found what I wrote incredibly relatable to them, whether it was about hating to wake up early, or about my main character being clumsy and the other one being playful and amused by her. I’ve had close friends and family members read it to follow me with this journey, and thankfully, they gave me great feedback and honest opinions.

6. At any point in writing, did you feel the need to take a break?

I might’ve never though of taking a break from writing. But unfortunately, with all the exams and studying, I couldn’t be as active as I wanted to, whether it was writing here on instagram or writing my book on wattpad. However, I’ve never been late in updating. I’ve always made sure to update every 2 days or so. I understand that readers would prefer reading a complete story instead of having to wait. Sometimes, I would feel overwhelmed due to a writer’s block, but that would only last for about a day or two. I’ve got a lot prepared for my beautiful characters and book, so I’ll make sure to keep my readers interested!

7. Do you feel any pressure to update due to the amount of readers you have?

Actually, I do probably feel a little pressure because I want to keep my readers always updated and in contact with my story. However, I believe in them and I know they are patient enough to wait for my next updates. They have been a great support!

8. Do you have a favorite among all the books you've written?

Well, I’ve only began writing my first book “Once Upon an Us”. This is my first book, and it’ll always have a special beautiful place in my heart. It is the reason for my journey. Also, I’ve written a 1 chapter book titled: “Dear, Love.” This book is probably the deepest thing I’ve ever wrote, and I might’ve teared up while writing it. I poured into it a huge piece of my heart. It took that piece out of my heart and kept it with it.

9. Who would you say is your biggest inspiration as a writer?

My sister has been the biggest inspiration of all. I’ve spent years nagging to her: “I don’t have a hobby. Find me one.” Until one day, she bought me a book. And I never would’ve imagined that it would change my life. Ever since, I’ve developed a huge love for reading, writing and designing too. She’s the reason I’ve began all this.

10. Have you really just sat down to take a few seconds to realize just how popular your work has become?

I’m very thankful to be in the place I am now in. I’m so glad I was able to share my words and love for writing with other people. I want to make a difference in life, and I hope I can do that through my words and through the constant support from my lovely readers.

11. Where do you get your writing inspirations?

As a writer, my biggest inspiration would be the people around me. I always make sure to put myself into other people’s shoes and write what they feel and think of. Sometimes you’re in the car and you’re just passing by, but time pauses as you look at the people around you. I start thinking that it’s incredible how every single one of us has lived their day in a different way, is feeling something different, and thinking something different. This is the source of my inspiration. I take my heart out of my body and put it into other people’s to express what they are unable to express.

12. If you could swap  your life with one book character, who would it be?

Wow. I have never thought of that. If I could swap my life with book characters, I’d probably choose Pearl and Stefan ( in my book ). I want to be able to perfectly describe them and the way they think. I want to be inside their heads and create their life. ( probably annoy them too with some plot twists )

13. Which character can you relate the most from your book?

I can relate the most to Pearl. She’s extremely sarcastic, the way I am. She hates waking up early and loves math! Also, I see myself in her the way she rants and talks way too fast ( and way too much ) and how she plans to threatens to murder her best friends with the silliest things( such as the fork in Pearl’s case). She also has her best friend Lara, which is perfectly based on my best friend @aninfinitysoul in real life. They’re crazy together the way we are.

14. When you have a writer's block, what do you do to get rid of it?

I try to read as much as I can. Whether it’s a book or simply quotes. The moment I begin reading, I start to feel myself slowly drifting into another world, into my writing world. That helps me a lot to get in the mood of writing. Also, I listen to my family and friend’s suggestions.

15. What do you like to do during your free time?

I like to read, read, and READ more, and of course, write. Also, I love drawing and designing things like covers, that’s why I’ve made my cover book here.

16. How would you encourage writing?

I believe that everyone has a writer in them. It’s just hidden in some and revealed in others. How is it revealed though? By reading. I never knew I had the potential to write until I began reading. And so can you! Each one of you has a writer chained in them. Let it out and be free with your words. Pour your soul into the paper❤️

17. Where do you see yourself in the next 3-5 years?

I hope that years from now, I would’ve spread my words and stories around the world and inspired lots of people. I also hope that I’d be able to muster up the courage to reveal my identity ❤️

18. Is there anything you would like to say to your fans/supporters?

I love you! Each and every single one of you. I’d love to thank you for all your support. Without you, I wouldn’t have been here and my story would’ve been just another forgotten story. Thank you for making a difference in my life, and I hope that one day, I’ll be able to make a difference in yours.

19. What advice would you like to pass across to all the struggling writers out there?

Don’t give up. Don’t you dare to ever give up on writing and your dreams. Believe in yourself as much as you can, cause the first step to success is your confidence and your belief in yourself. Toss away all the problems and difficulties you’re facing in life when you’re writing. Sit and just focus on the masterpiece in front of you. Write with all your heart and forget everything that’s distracting you. You are writers! You are heroes!

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